
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs is a ecchi anime that was produced by Xebec and aired July 14, 2018 to September 29, 2018. Due to Japanese tv regulations the Tv broadcast version of the show is censored, as it tones down the show's sexual content. This censored version of the show is what airs on Crunchyroll.


International censorship[]

(Crunchyroll uses the censored TV broadcast version of the show rather than the uncensored Blu-ray)

  • Episode 1
  1. The scene that shows Yuuna entering the hot spring was censored for the TV broadcast. In the TV broadcast steam covers her butt while in the Blu-ray you can see it.
  2. The scene that shows Yuuna sighing as she enjoys the hot spring was censored for the TV broadcast. In the Tv broadcast steam covers the water and her breasts while in the Blu-ray the water is transparent and you can see her nipples.

Where to find it uncensored[]

The blu-rays are uncensored.
