
Tiny Toon Adventures is a American Cartoon that was broadcast from September 14, 1990 to May 28, 1995. It aired on Cartoon Network, Fox Kids,Kids WB, Nickelodeon, CBS,  and Nicktoons. One of the episodes was banned due to it showing alcohol use, it was banned on Cartoon Network, Fox Kids, Kids WB, Nickelodeon and Nicktoons. One of the episodes was censored on Nickelodeon and Kids WB due to it showing reckless behavior. CITV censored one of the episodes in the UK due to the episode violent content.


USA censorship[]

Kids WB[]

Season 1[]
  • Episode 56
    1. The scene that shows Bicycle Bob being forced to eat a bucket of scorpions was cut.
Season 2[]
  • Episode 3
    1. The episode was pulled from reruns due to it showing Buster, Plucky and Hampton consuming alcohol.
Season 3[]
  • Episode 8
    1. This episode was pulled from reruns due to the graphic content of the Night of the Living Pets segment.


Season 1[]
  • Episode 56
    1. The scene that shows Bicycle Bob being forced to eat a bucket of scorpions was cut. (This scene was added back in when the show returned in 2002)
Season 2[]
  • Episode 3
    1. The episode was pulled from reruns due to it showing Buster, Plucky and Hampton consuming alcohol.

Cartoon Network[]

Season 2[]
  • Episode 3
    1. The episode was pulled from reruns due to it showing Buster, Plucky and Hampton consuming alcohol.

Fox Kids[]

Season 2[]
  • Episode 3
    1. The episode was pulled from reruns due to it showing Buster, Plucky and Hampton consuming alcohol.
Season 3[]
  • Episode 8
    1. This episode was skipped on the Fox Kids run due to the graphic content of the Night of the Living Pets segment. (It eventually aired uncensored on Nickelodeon in 1995)


Season 2[]
  • Episode 3
    1. The episode was pulled from reruns due to it showing Buster, Plucky and Hampton consuming alcohol.

UK censorship[]


Season 1[]
  • Episode 36
    1. The scene that shows Buster, Plucky Duck, Hamton Pig and the judges running towards the door was cut.
    2. The scene that shows Buster , Plucky Duck, Hamton Pig and the judges getting electrocuted was cut.

Where to find it uncensored[]

The show is completely uncensored online and on the DVD's. The Hub/Discovery Family run was mostly uncensored.

Topics related with censorship regarding Tiny Toon Adventures[]

  • The episode "Washingtoon" is a window into censorship advocacy by "morality in media" and "entertainment decency" groups upon the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the increase of violent crime had television and entertainment blamed for its increase, despite more hardline and direct societal issues responsible for such crime being a severe symptom of these causes, such as economic recessions, income disparity, corporate outsourcing, and the excesses of hard conservative and liberal nationalist white majority rooted military and machismo based enforced cultural norms throughout the United States. This would later be revisited in Animaniacs in the episode "Bully for Skippy".