The Big O is a Japanese anime that was produced by Sunrise. It ran from October 13, 1999 to January 19, 2000. When Cartoon Network bought the rights to the anime and started airing it in the United States, it was censored due to wanting the network wanting to make it family friendly.
USA censorship[]
Cartoon Network[]
Season 1[]
- Episode 1
- The scene that shows a bartender opening a Budweiser was cut.
- The scene that shows blood on the floor and walls of Soldano's factory was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The Big O's boot up phrase in the Japanese version is "Cast in the Name of God, ye not Guilty." it was changed to "Cast in the Name of Good, ye not Guilty."
- Episode 2
- The scene that shows a man in a car talking to two hookers was cut.
- The scene that shows Pan next to the bar during Roger's conversation with Big Ear was cut.
- The scene that shows gun being thrust into Roger's back was cut.
- The scene that shows a bullet hole in Beck's thug's coat pocket was cut.
- The scene that shows Wayneright's cane falling onto the floor was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Wayneright's murder scene was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- Episode 3
- The scene that shows a rifle being thrust into Roger's back was cut.
- The scene where Roger says "God!" it was changed to "Sea titan!"
- The scene that shows Angel sliding Roger's sunglasses out of her cleavage was cut.
- The scene where Roger says "Wrath of God." was cut.
- Episode 4
- The scene where Roger says "God and State." it was changed to "Church and State."
- The scene that shows Seebach's ashtray filled with cigarette butts was cut.
- The flashback to Wayneright's death was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood and the bullet hole were digitally removed.
- The scene of Schwarzwald being incinerated atop the Mega-Deus was cut.
- The scene where Roger says "You're no god." it was changed to "You're no ghost."
- Episode 5
- The opening scene of Frasier's limosine was cut.
- The scene that shows Frasier smoking a cigar, and blowing out smoke was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the cigar and the smoke were digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Frasier stubbing out his cigar was cut.
- The scene that shows Roger's face during Norman's voiceover was replaced with shot of Dorothy by the elevator.
- The scene that shows a blood on a body that is lying outside the Military Police Car was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood that was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Dastun and Roger waiting by the gate of the Frasier mansion was shortened.
- Any scene that showed Dastun smoking was cut.
- The scene where Dastun says "By the justice and honor of the Military Police." was cut.
- Episode 7
- Any scene that showed Angel nervously smoking in the submerged office building was cut.
- Episode 8
- The scene that showed one of the Military Police zipping up a body bag was cut.
- The scene murder scene was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows one of the Military Police prodding the corpse of mutated dog was cut.
- The scenes that show Robert and Louise getting hit by machine gun fire were cut.
- The scene that shows Louise's body was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood and the bullet holes were digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Roger laying out the bodies of Robert and Louise was cut.
- The scene that shows Eugene proclaiming himself the Creator at the foot of a crucifix was cut.
- The scene that shows Eugene holding a gun to Dorothy's head while he is fighting Pero was cut.
- The scene that shows Pero crushing Eugene was cut.
- Episode 9
- The scene that shows Beck cocking his pistol and pointing it at Francis was cut.
- The scene that shows Francis in the cabin was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- Episode 10
- The scene that shows a cathedral was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the crucifix was moved behind the pulpit.
- The scene that shows a little girl grabbing the robot bomb and detonating it was cut.
- The scene that shows Major Dastun receiving a casualty report in front of body bags was cut.
- The scene that shows the little girl's body being carried out was cut.
- The scene where Roger says "...lost in the explosion." it was changed to "...hurt in the explosion."
- The scene that shows Dastun taking out a cigarette in front of the theater was cut.
- The scene that shows a cigarette in Dastun's mouth when he sees the Phantom Woman was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the cigarette was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows a cigarette falling onto the ground was cut.
- Dastun's narration of the movie flashback detailing the woman being shot by the man she loved was removed.
- The scene that shows Dastun getting drunk was cut.
- The scene that shows a police funeral for Dastun's driver was cut.
- The scene that shows Dastun cradling the Phantom Woman's body on the pier was shortened.
- Episode 11
- The scene that shows Roger's glass being filled with wine was cut.
- Roger's dialogue about Paradigm giving alms in the form of bread and wine was removed.
- The scene where Oliver explains that his grandfather is probably in Heaven was cut.
- The scene that shows Alex explaining Heaven's Day was originally celebrating the birth of god's son was cut.
- The scene that shows Dastun sitting on a tree root smoking a cigarette was cut.
- The end title card changed from "Merry Xmas" to "We Have Come to Terms"
- Episode 12
- The scene that shows Angel's cigarette was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the cigarette was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Angel moving a cigarette towards her mouth was cut.
- The that shows a close-up on Angel's mouth with a cigarette in her lips was cut.
- The scene that shows Schwarzwald's party was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. Any scene that shows people drinking alcohol was removed.
- The scene that shows burning partygoers throwing themselves from the windows was cut.
- The scene that shows Dorothy finding Angel's cigarette butt was cut.
- Episode 13
- The scene that shows blood on the mirror and the make-up table was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows a dancer's corpse was cut.
- The phrase "Cast in the Name of God, Ye Not Guilty." was changed to "Cast in the Name of Good, Ye Not Guilty."
- The scene that shows Dastun's murder scene photographs was cut.
- The scene that shows Dorothy remembering her discovery of Angel's cigarette butt was cut.
- The scene that shows Dastun's murder scene photographs was cut.
- The scene that shows blood on porter's locker was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows blood on Gordon Rosewater's lab smock was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Roger's short sleeve shirt was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the was reduced.
- The scene that shows blood on Roger's watch was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows blood on Roger's arm and short sleeve shirt was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In the Cartoon Network version the blood was digitally removed.
- The end title card changed from "To be continued" to "We Have Come to Terms"
Where to find it uncensored[]
The Japanese sub is uncensored, the DVDs are uncensored and the Adult Swim broadcasts were completely uncensored.