
The Angry Birds Movie is a CGI animated film produced by Rovio Entertainment in participation with Sony and Columbia Pictures. The movie was released in May 20, 2016. Some scenes related to child abuse and violence were censored for broadcast in Australia and the United Kingdom.


Australian and UK censorship[]

This censored version was broadcast on Boomerang Australia, Channel 4 (UK) and Nick UK & Ireland.

  • The scene that shows Red kicking a child was cut. (Most likely due to child abuse and violence.)
  • The battle scene between the Birds and the Pigs was shortened due to violence. (This edit exists on DVDs, and is uncut on Five.)
  • The scene that shows the TNT exploding and the Pigs' castle blowing up was removed due to violence.
  • Red's fake death was removed because some viewers thought Red actually died.
  • BBFC (UK) cuts: "This film was originally seen for advice in an incomplete form. The company was advised it was likely to be classified PG, but that their preferred U could be achieved by removing a couple of examples of word play on strong language. When the finished version of the film was submitted for formal classification, these instances of word play had been removed and the film was therefore classified U."
  • When Red said "Pluck my life" in the court scene, it was changed to "What have I done?".
  • And when Red said "I need some angry, flocking birds!", it was also changed to "I need some angry, angry birds!".

Where to find it uncensored[]

  • The theatrical and home video releases are uncensored, and the streaming version on Amazon Prime is uncensored.
  • The film has been broadcast uncensored in other countries where it is available.
  • In Australia, OFC and Cartoon Network Australia broadcast the uncensored version of the film.
  • In the United Kingdom, Channel 5 broadcast the uncensored version of the film.

External links[]
