
Stoked (stylized as Stōked) is a Canadian animated series produced by Fresh TV that premiered on Teletoon on June 25, 2009 and ended on January 26, 2013. It aired on Teletoon in Canada, ABC3 in Australia and on Cartoon Network in the U.S. The series is from the same creators as 6teen and the Total Drama series.

Censored episodes[]

Welcome to Paradise, Dudes![]

  • When this aired on Teletoon, Fin said the place sucks, but in the Cartoon Network version, she said it stinks.
  • Fin (Teletoon Version): Yeah, it sucks! It's all fake!
  • Fin (Cartoon Network Version): Yeah, it stinks! It's all fake!

O Broseph, Where Art Thou?[]

  • When this aired on Teletoon, Reef said that Broseph's "boys" have been in his board shorts, but the Cartoon Network version has been cut.
  • Reef: Dude, your boys have been in my boys' hood, my boys no longer want to be there, keep them.
  • Broseph: Hey, don't talk about my boys like that, you'll hurt their feelings.
  • Reef: Oh, I'll do more than hurt their feelings if you don't keep 'em out of my shorts!!

A Boy Named Leslie[]

  • When this aired on Teletoon, Lo asks Reef's Mom to talk about a stain remover for Reef's skid marks, but in the Cartoon Network version, it was changed to drool stains.
  • Lo (Teletoon Version): Oh! Tell us again how you invented your own stain remover for his skid marks!
  • Lo (Cartoon Network Version): Oh! Tell us again how you invented your own stain remover for his skid drool stains!