
Sonic X is a Japanese anime television series that was produced by TMS Entertainment. It was originally broadcast from April 6, 2003 to May 6, 2006. When the anime was brought over to the United States, 4Kids Entertainment censored the anime in order to get a TV-Y7-FV rating and make it more family friendly. 4Kids made the anime more family friendly in order to make it more acceptable to U.S. kids by censoring gunfire, violence, alcohol, swearing, and sexual innuendos while the text was removed by TMS for international distribution. References to Japanese culture and anything not customary to Western culture have also been edited out. Ironically, this kind of puritan/neo-puritan and imperialistic censorship 4Kids was infamous for was a major factor that led to the downfall and permanent closure of the latter.


U.S. censorship[]


Season 1[]
  • Episode 1
    1. The scene where Sonic attacks Eggman's base and fighting his robots on his home world was modified for the 4Kids broadcast. The sound gunshot sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    2. The scene where Eggman's robot attacks Sonic was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunshot sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    3. In the Japanese version, it shows two cops in a police car talking about how they think Sonic is a sports car; and how much money they could get by selling it. In the 4Kids version, it shows the two cops talking about how it must be a sports car from overseas.
  • Episode 2
    1. The scene where Sonic is talking to Cream, saying "Sh*t! Let's go!" was changed to "Cream, hang on!"
    2. The scene where in the Japanese version, Chris and Sonic arrive at his house, Chris warns Sonic that he could have started a war. In the 4Kids dub, it was changed to Chris warning Sonic that he could get them all arrested.
  • Episode 3
    1. The scene where Eggman's robot heads towards the police blockade was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunshot sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    2. The scene where Tails in the Tornado attacks Eggman's robot was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunshot sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    3. The scene where Knuckles says "Damn! What's up with everybody anyway!?" it was changed to "Great. What will I do now?"
    4. The scene where the soldiers fires at Knuckles was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunshot sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
  • Episode 4
    1. The scene where the president is talking to two of his secret agents, saying "Then hurry up and find out the identity of this terrorist, Dr. Eggman." it was changed to "That's all well and good, but you better pay special attention to that dangerous Eggman character."
    2. The scene where the undercover secret service agent says "The terrorists are making their move." was changed to "Enemy aircraft spotted."
  • Episode 5
    1. The flashback scene where Sonic attacks Eggman's base was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunshot sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    2. The scene where Amy Rose says in her head "Damn, brat, don't touch me! The only one who can say i'm cute is Sonic." was muted.
    3. The scene where Eggman's robot attacks Sonic was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunfire was replaced with laser fire.
  • Episode 8
    1. The scene where Eggman says "That will kill two birds with one stone." was changed to "Ah, well. Too bad I have to grind them all into robot parts."
    2. The scene where Cream says "The TV died." was changed to "Now we can't watch our program."
    3. The scene where the Tornado attacks Eggman's robot was modified for the 4Kids broadcast. The gunfire sound effects were changed to laser sound effects.
    4. The scene where Eggmans says "Damn! I'll swat that annoying fly down first!" was changed to "Sonic! I'll put a end to that hyperactive hedgehog."
    5. The scene where Eggman says "Damn! I'll have to use my last resort!" was changed to "Alright! I wanna fight dirty."
  • Episode 10
    1. The scene where Cream says "Mr. Pitcher Robot, since long ago, I... Mr. Pitcher Robot! I... love you." was changed to "Oh, Mr. Pitcher! Could you maybe not throw the ball too hard? I've never played ball before."
    2. The scene that shows the Robot getting embarrassed with steam coming out of his head and it turning bright red was cut.
  • Episode 11
    1. The scene where one of the security guards says "This time..." was muted.
    2. The scene that shows a close up on a security guard picking up one of the playing cards was cut.
    3. The scene where one of the security guards says "Blackjack! Hooray! I won five times in a row!" was cut.
    4. The scene that shows one of the security guards jumping out of his chair due to winning the blackjack game was cut.
    5. The scene that shows the security guard that lost the game of blackjack putting his hand's on his hat was cut.
    6. The scene where one of the security guards says "Damn! I lost again!" was cut.
    7. The scene where one of the security guards says "You lost again?" was cut.
    8. The scene where one of the security guards says "You're so weak!" was changed to "Anybody hungry?"
    9. The scene that shows a close up on Rouge breasts/heads as she starts to fly was cut.
    10. The scene where one of the security guards says "Damn! How dare she!" was changed to "We'll lock down the place!"
    11. The scene where one of the security guards says "Dammit! Search over there." was changed to "Hands in the air!"
    12. The scene where one of the security guards says "Dammit! Where did she go?" was changed to "What? Is this a gag?"
    13. The scene where Rouge says "So you like to play rough." was changed to "You know you are pretty tough for an old lady."
    14. The scene where Rouge says "I'm the beautiful girl who was kidnapped and you're the old lady who kidnapped me." it was changed to "Yeah, yeah, I know. So I've heard, but all I want is a cup of coffee. Don't be such a nag."
    15. The scene where the FBI captain says "Damn!" was changed to "Oh, yeah!"
    16. The scene where Rouge says "Screw kick!" was muted.
    17. The scene that shows Robot's firing at Rouge was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    18. The scene where Rouge says "Screw kick!" was muted.
  • Episode 12
    1. The scene where President's aids says "He's one hell of a stubborn hedgehog." was changed to "Who knew hedgehogs were so headstrong?"
    2. The scene that shows two fighter jet pilots in the cockpit of one of the fighters jets was cut.
    3. The scene that shows the battleships launching their rockets was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the laser sound effects play when they are launched while the sub used a gun sound effect.
    4. The scene that shows one of the guard robot's missiles hitting one of the battleships was cut.
    5. The scene that shows a close up on one of the E-13 guard robots was cut.
    6. The scene that shows the battleships launching their rockets was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version laser sound effects play when they are launched while the sub used a gun sound effect.
    7. The scene that shows a close up on one of Eggman's robots firing its missiles was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; laser sound effects play when they are launched while the sub used a gun sound effect.
    8. The scene that shows one of the E-13 guard robots firing its weapons was cut.
    9. The scene where Tails says "Damn." it was changed to him grunting.
  • Episode 13
    1. The scene where Eggman says "Kill him!" it was changed to "Hahaha ta ta Tails! It's crushing time!"
    2. Sounds of gunfire were changed to laser fire in the 4Kids dub. The affected scenes are:
      1. Guard robots firing at Topaz, the FBI agents, and Knuckles.
      2. The Tornado X firing at Eggman's missles and base.
  • Episode 14
    1. The scene that shows the guests holding a glass of red wine was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the red wine was changed to orange juice.
    2. The scene that shows the reporters drinking wine/beer was cut.
    3. The scene that shows Jerome serving the reporter champagne was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the champagne was changed to orange juice.
    4. The scene that shows green/black bottle on the reporters table was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the bottle was orange.
    5. The scene where Jerome says "Now, now. Please enjoy the champagne." it was changed to "Now then, freshly squeezed juice anyone?"
    6. The scene where Jerome says "Sheesh, what is taking the army so long?" it was changed to "They'd better find that hedgehog fast."
    7. Any scene that shows Jerome holding a bottle of wine was changed to holding a salami.
    8. The scene where Jerome says "I've opened a 1969 Chateau Latour. Why don't you have at least one drink?" it was changed to "Now, fellas, I assure you Sonic is on the way. Now just be patient. How about a little salami?"
    9. The scene that shows Jerome serving wine to the reporters was cut.
    10. The scene that shows Jerome putting his hand on his forehead was cut.
    11. The scene where Sonic says "Damn! Are you scared?" it was changed to "Hellen, are you okay?"
    12. The scene that shows the drunk reporters sitting at the table drinking with empty wine bottles all around them was cut.
    13. The scene where one of the reporters says "Hey, it's empty!" was cut.
    14. The scene where Jerome says "Here's a refill!" was cut.
    15. The scene that shows the reporters sleeping was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast; the wine cups were digitally removed.
    16. The scene that shows Helen's father getting wine was cut.
    17. The scene that shows two green wine bottles next to Helen's father and mother was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast; the bottles were changed to orange.
    18. The scene where Helen's father says "Wait! I'm going to have a second serving, too!" was cut.
  • Episode 15
    1. The scene where Amy says "Take me out on a date once in awhile! Sonic, you meanie!" it was changed to "But why can't he be left alone with me?"
    2. The scene that shows Eggman's robots firing at Sonic was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    3. The scene that shows a close up on Eggman's robots firing at Sonic was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    4. Several scenes that show Eggman's warship firing at Sonic were modified for the 4KIDS broadcast; the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    5. The scene where Chris says "If we fight here, people in the city will be injured." it was changed to "We can't fight Eggman here those buildings will get wrecked."
    6. The scene where Eggman says "Damn!" was changed to Eggman grunting.
    7. The scene where Sonic says "I'll give you a spanking! Sucker!" was changed to Sonic making sounds that mock Eggman.
  • Episode 16
    1. The scene where Sonic says "I thought I was going to die." it was changed to "Any more bright ideas?"
    2. The scene where Chris says "Oh, come on. It's not that easy to die." it was changed to "We can't give up yet. There's got to be someway to reach that emerald."
  • Episode 17
    1. The scene that shows Knuckles entering the bar was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version there is hamburgers and other food items located behind the counter (while in the uncensored version it is liquor bottles) and the bartender is wearing a fry cook's hat and there is a menu that lists out food items. One of the mug's liquid was recolored black to make it look like soda.
    2. The scene that shows Knuckles walking past one of the tables was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the liquid in the mug was recolored black to make it look like soda.
    3. The scene that shows Knuckles walking past a group of shady looking people at one of the tables was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the liquid in the mug was changed to soda.
    4. The scene that shows Knuckles walking up to the counter was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; there are hamburgers and other food items located behind the counter (while in the uncensored version, there are liquor bottles) and the bartender is wearing a fry cook's hat and there is a menu that lists out food items.
    5. The scene that shows a close up on the bartender was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the liquor bottles that are behind the bartender were replaced with a food stand that has hamburgers and other food items.
    6. The scene that shows Knuckles talking to the bartender was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the liquor bottles were replaced with a food stand that has hamburgers and other food items.
    7. The scene that shows a menu with different types of alcohol on it was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; it was replaced with a soda dispenser.
    8. The scene that shows the bar patrons approaching Knuckles was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the liquor bottles were replaced with a food stand that has hamburgers and other food items.
    9. The scene that shows a close up on Knuckles was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the liquor bottles were replaced by a food stand that has hamburgers and other food items.
    10. The scene that shows one of the bar patrons falling over the counter was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the liquor bottles were replaced by a food stand that has hamburgers and other food items.
    11. The scene that shows Knuckles smiling was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the alcohol menu was was replaced with a soda dispenser.
    12. The scene that shows Leong approaching Knuckles was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the liquor bottles were replaced with a food stand that has hamburgers and other food items.
    13. The scene that shows a table with some shady looking people was modified for the 4KIDS version. In the 4KIDS version the liquid in one of the mugs was changed to soda.
    14. The scene where Eggman says "At other times, she's a sexy dancer." it was changed to "She may have seemed like just a rickshaw driver to you, but she's so much more."
    15. The scene where Bokkun says "Direct to hell kick!" it was changed to "I know karate."
  • Episode 18
    1. The scene where Eggman says "I found you, Sonic! Finish him! Deceo, Bocoe!" was changed to "Quick! Fire! Now!"
    2. The scene that shows Eggman having the Egg Carrier electrocute the water in order to kill the crocodiles was cut.
    3. The scene that shows the crocodiles' dead bodies floating up to the surface of the water was cut.
    4. The scene that shows Eggman's hand on a death switch was cut.
    5. The scene where Eggman says "They're so rude! I have a IQ of 300. I won't let you eat my brain." was cut.
    6. The scene that shows Chris and Tails being thrown onto the ground was cut.
    7. The scene that shows Tails and Chris's reaction to being thrown onto the ground was cut.
    8. The scene where one of the Dam officials says "Damn them!" was changed to "So those two brought that mob here!"
    9. The scene where Sonic says "Dammit!" was muted.
    10. The scene that shows E-65 hitting Sonic was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the punch sound effects were muted.
    11. The scene where Sonic says "You hide your head, but you don't hide your butt." was changed to "I think I just found it's weak spot."
    12. The scene that shows Eggman's reaction to E-65 being destroyed was cut.
  • Episode 19
    1. Any scene that show the stone hourglass with a star and crescent symbol on the top was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the star was digitally removed.
    2. The scene where Sonic says "Damn! My punches can't hit them!" it was changed to "Maybe there is such a thing as ghosts after all!"
    3. The scene where Amy says "I'm going to sacrifice you to King Boo-Boo-sama." it was changed to "Stop interfering with my plans or you will never leave this castle."
    4. The scene that shows Sonic karate-chopping Amy was cut.
    5. The scene that shows a close up on Amy's hammer hitting a ghost was cut.
  • Episode 20
    1. The scene where Eggman says "Even the best swimmers drown and monkeys falls from trees. Similarly, even I occasionally make mistakes." it was changed to "I've had it with this broken down bucket."
    2. The scene where Chris's grandfather says "Do I look like I'm feeling good because I had too much to drink?" it was changed to "I sure did, my boy. And now that old grandpa's feeling better, we're going to have a lot more fun."
  • Episode 21
    1. The scene that shows Sonic trying to avoid being kissed by the robot was shortened.
    2. The scene where Sonic says "Damn! What disgusting lips!" it was changed to "I don't want to take any lip from that robot!"
  • Episode 22
    1. The scene that shows Mr. Tanaka praying at the shrine was shortened.
    2. The scene that shows Sonic sightseeing, and seeing two woman who are in kimonos was cut.
  • Episode 23
    1. The scene where Tanaka says "Even if I have to die to protect--" it was changed to "Well, Robot, do you feel lucky?"
    2. The scene where Tanaka says "I must atone for my failure by slicing open my stomach!" was changed to "I have failed in my duties... I don't deserve this uniform!"
  • Episode 24
    1. The scene where Amy says "What are you doing, you perverted bird!?" it was changed to "Hey, that's a brand new dress, fatty!"
  • Episode 26
    1. The scene where one of the President's advisors says "The Beetle from GUN has arrived on the scene." it was changed to "Mr. President, sir, we just received a word from the field."
    2. In the scenes that show a GUN vehicle, the word "GUN" was removed, leaving a blank vehicle.
    3. The scene where the President says "Only God knows." it was changed to "Nothing, but hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
    4. The scene where Chris's grandfather says "GUN is moving south, Tails!" it was changed to "Just keep her steady. He can't be far."
    5. The scene where a GUN Beetle driver says "This is GUN's special attack team Super Beetle." it was changed to "Sonic this is a official government operation."
    6. The line "If we didn't turn on the barrier in time, we would have been destroyed." it was changed to "Next time we might not be so lucky."
    7. The scene where Eggman says "Open all gun ports! I'll destroy them along with Sonic!" it was changed to "I'll show that gang of sneak thieves what happens when they cross Dr. Eggman!"
    8. The scene that shows Eggman's Egg Fort firing on Sonic and the GUN Beetles was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    9. The scene where Eggman says "This is why I hate anime. He would normally be dead." it was changed to "How can that hedgehog survive the Egg Beam Cannonball?"
    10. The scene that shows E-77 falling in love with Sonic was cut.
    11. The scene that shows E-77's love vision was cut.
    12. The scene that shows Eggman's reaction to E-77 falling in love with Sonic was cut.
    13. The scene where Sonic says "Damn!" was muted.
    14. The scene where Knuckles says "Damn!" it was changed to "Think, Knuckles, think."
    15. The scene where Eggman says "If Decoe was late in turning off the main power, he might have died." it was changed to "After all those emeralds are powering the Eggesterminster."
Season 2[]
  • Episode 1
    1. The scene where a policeman says "Go ahead and shoot!" it was changed to "Alright! Get ready, boys!"
    2. The scene that shows the policemen shooting Chaos was cut.
    3. The scene that shows the bullets hitting Chaos was cut.
    4. The scene that shows the bullets falling to the ground was cut.
    5. The scene that shows the policemen shooting Chaos was cut.
    6. The scene where a Policeman says "It's not working." was cut.
    7. The scene where a Policeman says "It's unbelievable." was cut.
    8. The scene where Eggman says "I'll use it to destroy Station Square and build my ideal city Eggman Land over the ruins!" it was changed to "That's right this charming creature is made of pure chaos."
    9. The scene where Eggman says "Finish them, Chaos." it was changed to "Sorry, Sonic. It only takes orders from me."
  • Episode 2
    1. The scene where Knuckles says "Damn! Who was that?" it was changed to "What happened to the Master Emerald? Are you the one who destroyed it?"
    2. The scene where a policeman says "Go ahead and shoot!" was cut.
    3. The scene that shows the policemen shooting Chaos was cut.
    4. The scene that shows the bullets hitting Chaos was cut.
    5. The scene where a Policeman says "It's not working." was cut.
    6. The scene where a Policeman says "It's unbelievable." was cut.
    7. The scene that shows the bullets falling onto the ground was cut.
    8. The name Casino was removed from the Casino.
    9. The scene where Eggman says "Good! Drown him!" it was changed to "Good! Now keep dunking Sonic til' he's totally washed up!"
    10. The scene that shows the X Tornado shooting at the Egg Carrier was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gun sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    11. The scene that shows the Egg Carrier's turrets shooting at the X Tornado was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gun sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    12. The scene that shows the X Tornado's missiles launching was modified for the 4KIDs broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the missile sound effect was replaced with laser sound effects.
    13. The scene that shows a close up on Tails before the X Tornado gets blasted out of the sky by the Egg Cannon was cut.
    14. The scene that shows the Tornado shooting one of Eggman's robots was laser for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gun sound effects were replaced with lazier sound effects.
    15. The scene that shows a civilian injured due to Eggman's attack was cut.
  • Episode 3
    1. The scene that shows Amy's imaginary sequence of her with Sonic was cut.
    2. The scene that shows the Chaos Chao singing was cut.
    3. The scene where Amy is talking about telepathy was cut.
    4. The scene that shows the Egg Carrier's torrents shooting at the X Tornado was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gun sound effects were replaced with lazier sound effects.
  • Episode 4
    1. The scene where Sonic says "If you're gonna chase after girls, choose a better one, Eggman." was muted.
    2. The scene where Eggman says "Shoot that blue hedgehog full of holes!" it was changed to "How about a bit of target practice?"
    3. The scene that shows Gamma shooting at Sonic was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gunfire sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    4. The scene where Eggman says "Go, Chaos! Beat Sonic to a pulp!" it was changed to "Now, Chaos! Let's whip that hedgehog into shape!"
    5. The scene that shows Chaos hitting Sonic multiple times with his tentacles was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the uncensored version Sonic is screaming due to the pain, in the 4KIDS version the screaming was muted.
    6. The scene where Eggman says "Good, Chaos! Finish him off!" it was changed to "Tenderize him with your tentacles, Chaos!"
    7. The scene that shows Jerome running towards the package Eggman drops was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the bottle of alcohol was digitally removed.
  • Episode 5
    1. The scene that shows Tails diffusing Eggman's missile, while he is surmising the events of "A Robot Rebels" and "Heads up, Tails!" was cut.
    2. The scene where Eggman says "You pay for this with your life! Your finished this time, Sonic!" it was changed to "But you won't get away again! Do you hear me?"
    3. The scene where Eggman says "Sonic, you're finished!" it was changed to "Nothing like a good game of squash!"
    4. The scene that shows The Egg Viper repeatedly attacking Sonic as Sonic is pinned under it was shortened. As a result the number of times Sonic is attacked by it is reduced.
  • Episode 6
    1. The scene where Eggman says "If anything happens to me, I'll haunt you as a ghost!" it was changed to "But unfortunately, I have to fly."
    2. The reporter's line "Every, stay calm and evacuate!" it was changed to "The only good news is nobody has been seriously hurt."
    3. The line "When Chris returns, I will protect him even if it means risking my life." was changed to "As a former water polo champion, I can swim both of us to safety when the flood comes."
    4. The line "You saved my life." was changed to "Thanks, that was close."
    5. The scene where Jerome says "Never mind that. Do you know where Vivian is?" was cut.
    6. The scene that shows the helicopter's attacking Perfect Chaos was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast; the gunfire was changed to lazier fire.
    7. The line "All gun ports are open." was changed to "All attack systems are online."
    8. The scene that shows the Egg Carrier 2 attacking Perfect Chaos was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast; the gunfire was changed to lazier fire.
    9. The scene where Sonic says "Damn, it's out of control." it was changed to "No way!"
  • Episode 7
    1. The line "Special budget increase for GUN." was changed to "And this is executive order 1137-8."
    2. The scene where Eggman says "I'll hack GUN's main computer and find out their situation." it was changed to "All I have to do is hack their main computer and I'll have instant access."
    3. The scene that shows GUN's computer screen was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the word's GUN Library was changed to Library.
    4. The scene that shows GUN's robot's popping up on the screen that Eggman hacked was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the text that is below the images of the robots were removed due to the word GUN being in all of the robot's names.
    5. The scene where Eggman says "Why is my grandfather's name in the GUN database?" it was changed to "But thanks to Chaos Control, we can travel between the two."
    6. The scene where Eggman says "Damn!" it was changed to "Error?"
    7. The scene where Eggman says "Damn! It's no good!" it was changed to "No way!"
    8. The scene that shows the words Top GUN Secret was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the words say Top Secret.
    9. The scene that shows Eggman's grandfather's diary was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; most of the text was replaced with symbols and the word hell and his grandfather's backstory was removed.
    10. The scene where Rouge says "But there was one copy that wasn't erased and left in GUN's database." it was changed to "Someone did figure out the password and stole the file from the laboratory."
    11. The scene that shows Bookun seeing Jeromne digging through the trash with what looks to be a alcohol bottle in his hand was cut.
    12. The scene where Bookun yells at Jeromne was cut.
    13. The scene that shows Jeromne running away was cut.
    14. The line "Your journalist father was pursing this story right before he passed away." was changed to "I understand your late father was also a journalist and that he investigated Project Shadow years ago."
    15. The scene where Eggman says "Now let me take a look at GUN's super-confidential weapon that my grandfather created." it was changed to "Let's see according to that computer file I stole Project Shadow is this way."
    16. The scene that shows GUN vehicles attacking Dr. Eggman was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast, where gunfire was replaced with laser fire.
  • Episode 8
    1. The loading gun sound effect that plays when the GUN soldier in front of Sonic stands up was muted.
    2. The scene where the GUN soldier says "If you keep that attitude because your famous now, you're in a world of hurt." it was changed to "You better watch your mouth Hedgehog! Or you'll be running laps in a ten by nine cell."
    3. The line "We'll arrive at GUN in approximately 30 minutes." was muted.
    4. The line "Dispatch the GUN robots." was changed to "Deploy robots immediately."
    5. The scene where Sonic says "Damn, if this keeps up..." it was changed to "Ah, oh, they mean business."
    6. The scene that shows GUN Headquarters Central Command Room was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the text that says GUN Headquarters Central Command Room was digitally removed.
    7. The scene where the reporter says "He destroyed many GUN robots and he's currently on the run." it was changed to "According to reports has destroyed numerous government and fled to a unknown location."
    8. The scene where Jerome says "That place is a Top Secret GUN facility!" it was changed to "I wouldn't make this up! I tell you I saw him steel the thing!"
    9. The scene that shows the bum "fighting" Jerome was cut.
    10. The scene where Jerome says "Me and Vivan..." was cut.
    11. The scene where the Bum says "Enough of this Vivan!"
    12. The scene where Jerome says "Stop insulting Vivan and me!"
    13. The scene where the GUN director says "We will arrest him and restore GUN's honor!" it was changed to "Quite simple we arrest try him to high treason!"
    14. The scene that shows B-3x Hot Shot attacking Sonic was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    15. The line "Sonic is fighting a Gun robot in Downhill Street." was changed to "That was your father, apparently Sonic has been spotted battling a government robot on Downhill Street."
    16. The scene where Shadow says "If it wasn't for the limiter on my arm, you'd be dead." it was changed to "Consider yourself, fortunate. If I used my full strength, you'd have been much worse off than this."
  • Episode 9
    1. The scene where Eggman says "Is the Chaos Emerald really stored inside the GUN military base?" it was changed to "According to Rouge, the Chaos Emeralds are stored in a vault inside the compound."
    2. The scene where Eggman says "I'll go first and distract GUN while you enter the base." it was changed to "In the first phase of my plan I'll go around the islands wreaking havoc and drawing the guards from their posts."
    3. The scene where Eggman says "Damn! He's so persistent." it was changed to "You'll see that Tails can't outfox me."
  • Episode 10
    1. The line "According to a formal announcement by GUN there was no casualties." was changed to "An emergency response team searched for survivors, frequently the team now reports everyone safely made it off the island."
    2. The scene where Sonic says "He'd better not lay a finger on Chris." was changed to "Don't worry, I won't rest till I bring him back home."
    3. The scene where Knuckles says "That damn female bat!" was changed to "She stole the Master Emerald from me!"
    4. The scene that shows a close up on one of GUN's soldiers was cut.
    5. The sound of a gunshot was muted.
    6. The scene that shows Maria falling onto the floor was cut.
    7. The scene that shows a close up on Rouge was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the black line the outlined her breasts was digitally removed.
    8. The scene where Knuckles says "Damn! There's no end to them!" was muted.
    9. The scene where Eggman says "You all will die!" it was changed to "Your entire planet will be blown to bits!"
  • Episode 11
    1. The scene where Rouge says "Shadow? Secure and depose?" was changed to "Shadow? Sealed off?"
    2. The line "Among the former members of GUN'S special forces, your the only person we could find." was cut.
    3. The line "Many people involved with this project lost their lives." was changed to "Please, sir, you've got to tell us what happened. You're the only survivor everyone else was lost."
    4. The scene that shows Stewart kicking an agent's face was cut.
    5. The scene that shows Stewart hitting an agent's face was cut.
    6. The scene that shows the agent falling onto the ground was cut.
    7. The scene that shows Stewart hitting another agent's face was cut.
    8. The scene where the man says "Besides, I don't want anyone else to die." was changed to "I used to be able to handle myself pretty good, but... that was a long time ago."
    9. The scene where Rouge says "Aren't you ashamed of being violent against a lady?" was changed to "Now that's no way to treat a lady. Didn't anyone ever teach you manners?"
    10. The scene that shows Knuckles fist grazing Rouge's face causing it to bleed slightly was cut. (It is shown for less then a second it is so brief in the dub.)
    11. The scene where Rouge says "You only wanted to save me to hold my hand, pervert." was changed to "Heh, were you really trying to save me or were you just trying to be fresh?"
    12. The scene where Knuckles says "I'm sorry I treated you so rough." was changed to "What kind of game are you playing!?"
    13. The scene that shows Tanaka lying on the floor, surrounded by broken glass was cut.
    14. The scene where Eggman says "Or else she dies." was changed to "Give me the emerald and I'll give you the girl."
    15. The scenes that show Eggman firing at Tails (and vice versa) were modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    16. The scene that shows the close up on the GUN special strike force's guns was cut.
    17. The scene that shows one of the GUN special strike force members shooting at the command console was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    18. The scene that shows one of the GUN special strike force members shooting Maria, dropping his gun, and leaning against the wall was cut.
    19. The line "We got rid of all of the researchers who resisted, and it was covered up as a accident." was changed to "And we all went home."
    20. The line "The girl's name was on the list of victims." was changed to "The official report called it an unforchanet accident."
    21. The line "I volunteered for GUN because I wanted to be a hero who protected the planet." was changed to "I volunteered for that force because I wanted to give back to the country I loved."
    22. The scene where Chris says "Sonic didn't die!" was changed to "He's wrong!"
    23. The scene where Shadow says "If you don't want to die, keep your hands off of the Chaos Emerald." was changed to "I suggest you keep your hands off those Chaos Emeralds."
    24. The scene that shows Eggman shooting at Tails was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the gunfire was changed to laser fire.
    25. The scene where Tails says "This will finish you!" was changed to "This is for Sonic!"
    26. The scene where Shadow says "But I can no longer allow you to exist." was changed to "Ah, yes. I understand your love for speed, Sonic. But now, your high speed adventure must come to an end."
    27. The scene where Eggman's grandfather says "I declare a death sentence on all of mankind." was changed to "The countdown marking my final revenge on this world has begun."
  • Episode 12
    1. The scene where Eggman's grandfather says "I declare a death sentence on all of mankind." was changed to "In a few minutes, you will be destroyed.."
    2. The scene where Eggman's grandfather says "You and the Earth will die together." was changed to "The Ark will hurtle through the atmosphere and crash into this planet with devastating force."
    3. The scene where Eggman's grandfather says "I declare a death sentence on all of mankind." was changed to "The countdown marking my final revenge has begun."
    4. The scene where someone shouts "Aim!" was muted.
    5. The scene that shows the GUN soldiers aiming their guns at the scientists was cut.
    6. The scene where the Police Chief says "You're under arrest for attempted murder and treason." was changed to "We have a warrant for your arrest."
    7. The line "GUN formed a secret organization to erase all traces of Project Shadow." was changed to "It took a long time but the truth is out."
    8. The scene where Chris is talking to Shadow, saying "I know that deep in your heart, you don't want anyone to die!" was changed to "Deep down you know you were made to help others, and that's the reason why you helped me."
    9. The scene that shows Chris falling onto the floor due to Shadow's punch was cut.
    10. The scene that shows Chris getting up was cut.
    11. The scene where Chris says "Live for revenge and then die afterwards?" was changed to "How can you blame people alive today for things that happened fifty years ago?"
    12. The scene that shows Shadow hitting Chris was cut.
    13. The scene that shows Chris hitting the wall was cut.
    14. The scene where Eggman says "I wonder if Gramps really meant to kill us." was changed to "But he shouldn't have tried to destroy the planet."
  • Episode 13
    1. The scene where Rouge says "You're saying we should live together? We don't even know each other that well. It could be trouble. If two people who've been living two entirely different lives start living together... I'm sure many conflicts will arise. Are you good during the night?" was changed to "It seems every day is like a regular reunion around here. If too many of us starts showing up, the humans aren't going to be too happy. They'll probably decide we're dangerous and round us all up. Imagine us together, 24/7. I wonder what that would be like don't you?"
    2. The scene where Rouge says "I'm a bat and bats are good at night. I was just wondering if you were. Don't you prefer dark places?" was changed to "Don't get so excited, sweetie. I'm only saying the authorities won't like our kind around. Believe me, I don't like the idea of being locked up any more than you do."
    3. The scene where Knuckles says "Yeah. The instant they appear in the city, GUN took them to Mystic Ruins." it was changed to "Yeah to good to be true. One day they love us because we're unique and the next day we're in jail because we're different."
    4. The scene that shows Espeo stealing the DVD player and leaving an "I will return" card was cut.
    5. The scene that shows Espeo and his teammates watching the video on the DVD player was cut. Instead, the flashback happens when Victor reads the newspaper.
    6. The line "Who the hell wants to see something like that?" was cut.
  • Episode 14
    1. The scene where Topaz says "Just rub on some suntan." it was changed to "That doesn't sound very appealing."
    2. The scene where Rouge says "Suntan oil isn't enough to protect my sensitive skin." it was changed to "I'm a bat. For me, a cave is the perfect place to hang out and chill."
    3. The sound of the president's secret service members loading their guns was muted.
    4. The scene that shows the protesters outside of Chris's house demanding them hand over Sonic was shortened.
    5. The scenes that show a overhead and close up shots of the protestors fighting Chris's family and Amy were cut.
  • Episode 15
    1. The scene that shows a close up on the protesters fighting Chris's family and Amy in the recap was cut.
    2. The scene where one of the protesters says "They're Sonic's friends! Let's beat them up!" it was changed to "He's just trying to protect him! Let's get them!"
    3. The scene that shows one of the G.U.N robots firing it's guns at Sonic was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version it was changed to laser fire.
    4. The scene that shows three G.U.N robots firing their guns at Sonic was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version it was changed to laser fire.
    5. The scene where Knuckles says "I won't stop till I beat you to a plup!" was changed to "Not until I make you pay for the damage you've done."
    6. The scene that shows bottles of alcohol on the table as Chris' family celebrates was modified for the 4Kids broadcast; the alcohol bottles were digitally removed.
  • Episode 16
    1. The scene where Amy says "Sonic, if you don't come out right now, I'm going to beat up Chris." it was changed to "I know you're hiding and Chris is covering for you!"
    2. The scene that shows Cream trying to stop Amy as it shows a shot of her holding Chris's neck was replaced with a extended close up on Chris's face and he is the only one talking.
    3. The scene that shows Amy letting go of Chris' neck was cut.
    4. The scene that shows Chris rubbing his neck with his hand was cut.
    5. The scene that shows Chris falling onto the floor and asking "Why did you do that?" was cut.
  • Episode 17
    1. The scene that shows a bunch of Sonic cosplaying girls in the park wearing mostly bikini's was cut.
    2. The scene that shows Chris' parents kissing him multiple times was shortened so now they only kiss once. (This may have been done since it looks like they are kissing on the mouth.)
    3. The scene where Eggman says "You'll witness the hell of electrical appliances robots!" was changed to "Just you wait, Sonic! My appalling appliances aren't through with you!"
    4. The scene where Eggman says "You'll be buried under a mountain of electrical appliances and die!" was changed to "But I'm afraid my mincing machines are still on the march."
    5. The scene where Eggman says "Damn! We were so close to succeeding!" was changed to "And just when we were this close to stopping Sonic once and for all!"
  • Episode 18
    1. The scene that shows imaginary Stewart shooting the screen was modified for the 4KIDS broadcast. In the 4KIDS version the gunfire was changed to laser fire.

U.K. censorship[]


Sonic X (intro)[]
  • Episode 1
    1. The scene where Sonic does his spindash attack in the Jetix 4Kids intro framerate was slowed down likely due to a minor seizure scene.

Where to find it uncensored[]

The original Japanese airings, and the French and Korean dubs were completely uncensored.

There have been a few fan re-edits that have been made over the years including one called "Uncut English Edition" that was assembled by Noah Lawson to restore some of the cuts. Though there are quite a few cuts that remain left out, it is more complete than the official 4Kids dub. It can be found at the Internet Archive.

Sonic X (DX: Director's Cut), another fan edit, can be found here, a Dual Audio version of the SA2 Arc was later released online that contains the Japanese version with English subs as well as the uncut English audio track from the DX edit, it can be found here.[1]


External links[]
