
PAC-man. Party is a game made by namco where pac-man & company play mini games some things where changed in the 3DS version

international censorship[]

  • in crazy curling the pac-man 30th anniversary references where removed
  • Pac-Man Party 3D adds support for stereoscopic 3D visuals with Nintendo 3DS displays.
  • Mentions and elements of Pac-Man's 30th anniversary are removed from the game.
  • Multiplayer can be played by using the newly added Wireless Mode.
    • Players with respective copies of Pac-Man Party 3D can play Party Mode or Mini Game Mode.
    • An additional Download Play mode has been added for players that do not own Pac-Man Party 3D. Though the main Party Mode is unavailable in this mode, the player is able to select a theme of mini-games to play with other players.
  • All the characters notably lose their facial expressions in the Nintendo 3DS version.
  • Environments notably have less shading and castles despawn when they move farther away from the camera.
  • The music is now synthesized and notably changes the instrumentation of the songs. Some songs from the Wii game are omitted entirely.
  • The FMV cutscenes are fully removed. The boss introductory cutscenes are replaced by image slideshows.
  • The background environment loses altering features when the boss is introduced into the board.
  • The Mirage Oasis and Crystal Cliffs boards are omitted, cutting down the game's total boards from five to three.
    • Due to the removal of the respective boards, the boss mini-games for Arachneand Kraken are removed from the available mini-games.
  • Due to the removal of the Mirage Oasis and Crystal Cliffs boards, the cutscenes and dialogue in the Story Mode are altered to introduce Patra and Woofa in Spooky Hallow and Celebration Ave. respectively. The players present in Story are also changed.
    • The alteration of the cutscenes and story make Clyde the only character to not be a player character in Story.
    • Instead of the players being Pac-Man, Blinky, Inky and Clyde in Spooky Hallow, the players are now Pac-Man, Patra, Pinky and Inky.
      • Patra is now introduced in Spooky Hallow. When Pac-Man asks what she is doing out in Spooky Hallow, Patra mentions she is trying to avoid homework. The cutscene generally follows the format found in the Mirage Oasis introduction, though Clyde is present at the end of the game now. Woofa is now introduced at the ending transition to Celebration Ave., where Woofa is wandering at Spooky Hallow in search for food. Woofa sees Pac-Man pursuing the ghosts for the recipe; hearing that there's a "giant cookie" at Celebration Ave, Woofa decides to follow Pac-Man and co. to the place.
    • Instead of the players being Pac-Man, Blinky, Inky and Roger in Celebration Ave, the players are now Pac-Man, Woofa, Roger and Blinky.
      • Woofa is now the one that gets distracted by the giant cake instead of Clyde, and is scolded by Roger as the cake is "reserved for children's parties". Woofa had came to Celebration Ave. since the cold temperatures at Woofa's homeland prevent food from naturally producing. Roger eventually decides to settle his hunger with a cookie game, with Pac-Man and Blinky following suit. After the game, Inky drags Pac-Man and Blinky to Mr. Cookie, which Roger decides to stay with Woofa to satisfy his hunger.
    • The ending cutscene now follows Pac-Man being introduced to Mr. Cookie by the ghosts. Mr. Cookie is unfamiliar with the letter that Pac-Man was sent, but then realizes the truth about the letter. Mr. Cookie tells Pac-Man that the letter that he was given was actually an "invitation" for everyone to enjoy the world's tastiest cookie, and was also the reason he made the cookie game. The cookie game could only be played under the condition if it was played with friends. The ghosts then reveal to Pac-Man that the letter was actually sent by the ghosts so they could bring Pac-Man to play the cookie game, and praises him over his friendship with the ghosts; although Blinky thinks otherwise. The ghosts then celebrate his birthday, to Pac-Man's surprise. Pac-Man then thanks the player for showing how the game was about friendship.
  • Some minigames involving motion control with the Wii Remote are changed to use the Touch Screen or buttons, though some mini-games continue to use motion controls with the 3DS' gyroscope.
  • Screen and game options for Pac-Man, Galaga and Dig Dug are removed.
  • The version of Pac-Man featured in Pac-Man Party 3D is set to not give an extra life when any point threshold is met. An option disabling extra lives in the original is also present in the original game's DIP switch settings.
    • Pac-Man Party 3D adds support for stereoscopic 3D visuals with Nintendo 3DS displays.
    • Mentions and elements of Pac-Man's 30th anniversary are removed from the game.
    • Multiplayer can be played by using the newly added Wireless Mode.
      • Players with respective copies of Pac-Man Party 3D can play Party Mode or Mini Game Mode.
      • An additional Download Play mode has been added for players that do not own Pac-Man Party 3D. Though the main Party Mode is unavailable in this mode, the player is able to select a theme of mini-games to play with other players.
    • All the characters notably lose their facial expressions in the Nintendo 3DS version.
    • Environments notably have less shading and castles despawn when they move farther away from the camera.
    • The music is now synthesized and notably changes the instrumentation of the songs. Some songs from the Wii game are omitted entirely.
    • The FMV cutscenes are fully removed. The boss introductory cutscenes are replaced by image slideshows.
    • The background environment loses altering features when the boss is introduced into the board.
    • The Mirage Oasis and Crystal Cliffs boards are omitted, cutting down the game's total boards from five to three.
      • Due to the removal of the respective boards, the boss mini-games for Arachneand Kraken are removed from the available mini-games.
    • Due to the removal of the Mirage Oasis and Crystal Cliffs boards, the cutscenes and dialogue in the Story Mode are altered to introduce Patra and Woofa in Spooky Hallow and Celebration Ave. respectively. The players present in Story are also changed.
      • The alteration of the cutscenes and story make Clyde the only character to not be a player character in Story.
      • Instead of the players being Pac-Man, Blinky, Inky and Clyde in Spooky Hallow, the players are now Pac-Man, Patra, Pinky and Inky.
        • Patra is now introduced in Spooky Hallow. When Pac-Man asks what she is doing out in Spooky Hallow, Patra mentions she is trying to avoid homework. The cutscene generally follows the format found in the Mirage Oasis introduction, though Clyde is present at the end of the game now. Woofa is now introduced at the ending transition to Celebration Ave., where Woofa is wandering at Spooky Hallow in search for food. Woofa sees Pac-Man pursuing the ghosts for the recipe; hearing that there's a "giant cookie" at Celebration Ave, Woofa decides to follow Pac-Man and co. to the place.
      • Instead of the players being Pac-Man, Blinky, Inky and Roger in Celebration Ave, the players are now Pac-Man, Woofa, Roger and Blinky.
        • Woofa is now the one that gets distracted by the giant cake instead of Clyde, and is scolded by Roger as the cake is "reserved for children's parties". Woofa had came to Celebration Ave. since the cold temperatures at Woofa's homeland prevent food from naturally producing. Roger eventually decides to settle his hunger with a cookie game, with Pac-Man and Blinky following suit. After the game, Inky drags Pac-Man and Blinky to Mr. Cookie, which Roger decides to stay with Woofa to satisfy his hunger.
      • The ending cutscene now follows Pac-Man being introduced to Mr. Cookie by the ghosts. Mr. Cookie is unfamiliar with the letter that Pac-Man was sent, but then realizes the truth about the letter. Mr. Cookie tells Pac-Man that the letter that he was given was actually an "invitation" for everyone to enjoy the world's tastiest cookie, and was also the reason he made the cookie game. The cookie game could only be played under the condition if it was played with friends. The ghosts then reveal to Pac-Man that the letter was actually sent by the ghosts so they could bring Pac-Man to play the cookie game, and praises him over his friendship with the ghosts; although Blinky thinks otherwise. The ghosts then celebrate his birthday, to Pac-Man's surprise. Pac-Man then thanks the player for showing how the game was about friendship.
    • Some minigames involving motion control with the Wii Remote are changed to use the Touch Screen or buttons, though some mini-games continue to use motion controls with the 3DS' gyroscope.
    • Screen and game options for Pac-Man, Galaga and Dig Dug are removed.
    • The version of Pac-Man featured in Pac-Man Party 3D is set to not give an extra life when any point threshold is met. An option disabling extra lives in the original is also present in the original game's DIP switch settings.

where to find it uncensored[]

the Nintendo Wii version has it completely uncensored
