
One Piece (stylized as ONE PIECE) is a Japanese anime television series based on Eiichiro Oda's manga series of the same name. The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. With his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as "One Piece" in order to become the next Pirate King.

In 2004, 4Licensing, then called 4Kids, started releasing dubbed episodes of the show in the United States, but had to heavily censor most episodes to meet network requirements.

4Kids censorship[]

Multiple episodes[]

  1. Zoro was renamed Zolo for copyright purposes.
  2. The Devil's Fruit were renamed Cursed Fruit.
  3. The attack Gum Gum Pistol was renamed Gum Gum Blast.
  4. Any scene that shows Sanji smoking a cigarette was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the cigarette is replaced with a lollipop.
  5. Any scene that shows Sanji lighting a cigarette was cut.
  6. Some scenes that were censored were similarly censored in the recap of the following episode. These will only be listed once
  7. Smoker's cigarette is removed.
    1. Also, Smoker is renamed Chaser to avoid smoking.
  8. Vivi' surname and her family name Nefertari was changed to Nefeltari.
  9. Vivi's father Cobra is renamed Nebra, it’s probably because some viewers have ophidiophobia.
  10. Robin's outfit is modified to cover her cleavage.
  11. Portgas D. Ace is changed to Portgaz D. Trace (possibly to avoid discrimination against asexuals).
  12. Most text and words (except dialogue) are removed.
  13. Several episodes (like blood, gestures, and weapons) were edited to avoid references of adult themed content.

Saga 1[]

Episode 1[]

  1. The scene in which a pirate says "Must be filled with booze, then!" was changed to "I bet it's full of water."
  2. The scene in which a pirate says "It's all ours now." was changed to "It could be a barrel of monkeys."
  3. The scene in which Nami kicks a pirate in the groin was shortened.
  4. The scene in which Luffy breaks two swords was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, a bounce sound effect is added.
  5. The scene in which Alvida hits three pirates with her mace was cut.
  6. The first scene in which Luffy hits Coby was cut.
  7. The first scene in which Coby says "Why did you hit me?" was changed to "Don't hit me!"
  8. The scene in which Luffy says "Just because." was changed to "I wasn't going to hit you."
  9. The scene in which Coby says "It's okay, I'm used to it now." was changed to "Well… it wouldn't have been the first time."
  10. The scene in which Luffy punches a pirate in the face was cut.
  11. The second scene in which Luffy hits Coby was muted.
  12. The second scene in which Coby says "Why did you hit me?" was changed to "Why do you think that's possible?"

Episode 2[]

  1. The scene in which Zolo kills a pirate was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the pirate's shadow was digitally removed.
  2. Any scene in which Zolo is shown tied to the cross was modified in the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the top of the cross was digitally removed.
  3. The scene where Rika offers Zolo rice balls was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the rice balls were replaced with cookies.
  4. The scene where Helmeppo shows Rika the notice was cut.
  5. The scene where Zolo punches Helmeppo in the face was cut.
  6. The scene where Helmeppo gets up from the ground was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Helmeppo's bruise is digitally removed.
  7. The scene where Zolo points a sword in Helmeppo's face was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the sword is shorter.
  8. The scene where Nami sees Helmeppo was shortened to remove the shot of her legs.
  9. The scene where the server pours Helmeppo a glass of wine was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the wine was digitally colored orange.
  10. The scene where Morgan is talking to a marine was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Morgan's cigarette was digitally removed.
  11. The scene where Morgan hits the lieutenant with his ax was muted.
  12. The scene that shows the marines celebrating was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the guns were replaced with water pistols.

Episode 3[]

  1. The scene where Helmeppo points a gun at Coby was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Helmeppo's gun was replaced with an old lampshade.
  2. The scene where Morgan falls after Zolo attacks him with a sword was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the pieces of Morgan's shirt were digitally removed.
  3. The scene where Luffy punches Coby was cut.

Episode 4[]

  1. Any scene that shows Luffy's shirt was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the text "anchor" was digitally removed.
  2. The scene where Shanks laughs at Luffy was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Shanks' bottle of wine was digitally removed.
  3. The scene where Shanks offers Higuma the last bottle of wine was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the wine bottle was digitally colored orange.
  4. Any scene that shows Yassop's bandana was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the text "Yassop" was digitally removed.
  5. The scene where the Higuma Bandits confront the Red Hair Pirates was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the guns were digitally replaced with cork guns.
  6. The scene where Benn threatens Higuma was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Benn's gun was digitally removed.
  7. The scene where Benn smokes a cigarette was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Benn's cigarette was digitally removed.

Episode 5[]

  1. The scene where Luffy punches a Buggy Pirate in the face was cut.
  2. The scene where Luffy punches two more Buggy Pirates in the face was shortened. In the 4Kids dub, the impact of the hit was cut.
  3. Any scene that shows the Buggy Ball attendant was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the Buggy Ball attendant's skin was digitally recolored to be lighter.
  4. The scene where a Buggy Pirate drinks seven beers at once was cut.
  5. The scene that shows a Buggy Pirate balancing on a table was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the wine bottle was digitally removed.
  6. The scene where a Buggy Pirate balancing with a sword in his mouth was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the sword was digitally replaced with a balloon.
  7. The scene where the Buggy Pirates commandeer a bar was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the test "Drinker" was digitally removed from the bar.
  8. The scene where Buggy stabs Zolo was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the blood was digitally removed.
  9. The scene where Luffy breaks Buggy's sword in his mouth was modified for the 4Kids dub. I'm the 4Kids dub, Luffy deflects the sword.

Episode 6[]

  1. The scene that shows the full blast of the Buggy Ball was cut.
  2. The scene where Chouchou bites Luffy was cut.
  3. The scene where Luffy strangles Chouchou was cut.
  4. The scene where Chouchou mourns his owner's disappearance was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Chouchou's wounds were digitally removed.
  5. The scene where the pet shop burns down was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the text "pet food" and "big" are digitally removed.
  6. The scene where Chouchou bites Mohji was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the bite mark was digitally replaced with a bandage.

Episode 7[]

  1. The scene where Buggy uses two Buggy Pirates as human shields was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the smoke trails coming off of the Buggy Pirates were digitally removed.
  2. The scene where Cabaji stabs Zolo was cut.
  3. The scene after Cabaji stabs Zolo was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the blood on Zoro's bandage was digitally removed.
  4. The scene where a Buggy Pirate looks at Nami's breasts was cut.
  5. The scene where Zolo stabs Cabaji was zmodified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Cabaji's wound was digitally removed.
  6. The attack Chop Chop Rice Cracker was renamed Chop Chop Buzzsaw.
  7. The attack Chop Chop Cannon was renamed Chop Chop Harpoon.
  8. The scene where Luffy tells Buggy that Shanks gave him the Straw Hat was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the blood on Luffy's face was digitally removed.

Episode 8[]

  1. The scene where Rayleigh hits Buggy and Shanks over the head was cut.
  2. The scene where Rayleigh says "I don't care which pole is colder!" was changed to "I don't care which pole makes the best ice cubes!"
  3. The scene where two Buggy Pirates load a cannon was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the text "danger" was digitally removed from the box.
  4. The scene where Buggy stabs a Roger Pirate was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Buggy's sword was digitally removed.
  5. The scene where Buggy and Shanks talk about the Devil's Fruit was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Shanks' bottle of rum was digitally removed.
  6. The scene that shows a close-up on Buggy's crotch was cut.
  7. The scene where Luffy kicks Buggy in the crotch was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Luffy kicks Buggy in the shin.
  8. Gum Gum Bazooka was renamed Gum Gum Double Barrel.

Episode 9[]

  1. The scene where Usopp threatens the Straw Hat Pirates was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Luffy says "Are you a gambling man, Usopp? How much are you willing to bet we're bluffing? Would you stake your life on it? Would you?"
  2. The Usopp Pirates were renamed the Veggie Pirates.
  3. The scene where Yassop shoots an apple was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Yassop's gun is digitally colored orange.
  4. The scene where Yassop brags about Usopp was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, the text "Party's Bar" and "milk" were digitally removed.

Episode 10[]

  1. The scene where Zolo sees Jango's hypnosis was modified for the 4Kids dub. In the 4Kids dub, Zoro's veins were digitally removed.
  2. The scene where pirates raid Kaia's home was cut.
  3. The scene where Usopp meets Kaia was cut.

Other censorship[]

  • Germany
    • The swastika symbol on Ace's back tattoo is erased.
    • Anything about death is revised.
    • Characters getting hurt/injured is cut.
  • South Korea
    • Any Non-Korean text (including English text) is replaced with Korean text or erased.
      • Johnny's kanji on his left cheek is erased.
    • Sanji's cigarette is a lollipop.
    • Impacts and violence are occasionally whited out.
      • Morgan's axe is whited out.
    • Cleavage is either erased or covered up.
    • All blood is erased.
    • Any insert songs are replaced with instrumental versions of their openings and endings.

Where to find it uncensored[]

  • The original Japanese version is uncensored.
  • The Funimation dub is a more faithful translation than the 4Kids dub and has no visual censorship. Some dialogue may be different from the Japanese version.
  • Netflix made a Redub for Latin America in Latin-American Spanish, and without visual and dialogue censorship. But it is only available in Latin-American Spanish.

External links[]
