
Lilo & Stitch is a 2002 American animated science fiction comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 42nd Disney animated feature film, it was written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois in their directorial debuts. It features Daveigh Chase and Sanders as the voices of the title characters, and also features the voices of Tia Carrere, David Ogden Stiers, Kevin McDonald, Ving Rhames, Jason Scott Lee, and Kevin Michael Richardson. It was also the second of three Disney animated feature films (the first being Mulan, followed by Brother Bear) that were produced primarily at the Florida animation studio in Disney's Hollywood Studios (then named "Disney-MGM Studios" during its production) at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida. It was officially released on June 21, 2002, to positive reviews and was nominated for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards.

The film's story revolves around two eccentric and mischievous individuals: a six (later seven)-year-old Hawaiian girl named Lilo Pelekai, who is raised by her older, young adult-aged sister Nani after their parents died in a car accident, and a blue extraterrestrial koala-like creature called Experiment 626, who is adopted by Lilo as her "dog" and renamed "Stitch". Stitch, who is genetically engineered by his mad scientist creator to cause chaos and destruction, initially uses Lilo to avoid being captured by an intergalactic federation, but the two individuals develop a close bond through the Hawaiian concept of ʻohana, or extended family. This bond causes Stitch to reconsider and later defy his intended destructive purpose in order to keep his family together.


UK censorship[]


The British Board of Film Classification received cuts due to stitch hiding into a washing machine or dryer which can be imitating to impressionable children. The Cut Version is rated U. The Uncut Version is Rated 12.

USA censorship[]


How 9-11 changed Disney's Lilo & Stitch

Aforementioned above, the scene doesn't happen on TV airings as of 201?. Instead it fades to black a commercial break, implying that it still happened.

An original version of a scene for the film included Stitch, Pleakley, Jumba and Nani hijacking an airplane to try and save Lilo, causing it to crash through buildings in a busy city. Due to the September 11 attacks, this scene was shortened and revised to an alien ship crashing into mountains.[1]

Where to find Uncensored[]

As there was censorship that took place during the creation of the film, there is no completely uncensored version.


External links[]
