Fantasia is an American animated movie that was produced by Walt Disney, and released on November 13, 1940. Scenes involving a centaur named "Sunflower", who was considered a racist caricature, were removed from the 1969 re-release of the film, and have not been in future releases.[1]
International censorship[]
- A warning plays before the movie starts on Disney+.
- The scene that shows the black centaur that is in a slave grooming a white centaur's hooves was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, the camera zooms in on the white centaur.
- The scene that shows a close up on the black centaur grooming the green centaur's tail was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, the camera zooms in on the green, white, yellow and orange centaurs.
- The scene that shows flowers surrounding black centaur was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, the camera zooms in on the green, white, yellow and orange centaurs.
- The scene that shows the black centaur walking towards the other centaurs that are looking out the window, was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, it shows six male centaurs running around the forest with cupids flying around them.
- The scene that shows the black centaur grooming the green centaurs tail was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, it shows six male centaurs running around the forest with cupids flying around them.
- The scene that shows the black centaur holding a piece of green fabric that is attached to the pink centaur was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, the black centaur was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows the black centaur walking up the red carpet was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version the black centaur was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows the black centaur walking around the chair to hold it for Bacchus was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version, the black centaur was digitally removed.
- The scene that shows Bacchus falling out of the chair, which results in it rolling around was modified for the remastered version. In the remastered version the black centaur was digitally removed.
Irish censorship[]
- The film was initially banned in Ireland and then edited on 30 April 1942.
- In the edited version, the scientific narration introducing the "Rite of Spring" was cut due to "giving a view on the origin of life", as it focused on the Big Bang, which would have been at odds with traditional Catholic beliefs.
Where to find it uncensored[]
"Underground" DVDs, VHS tapes, and YouTube clips may show the uncensored scenes, though the original edit of the film has not been released officially since 1969. Fan edits have sought to restore the censored scenes by combining the media from the various editions, including scans of the original 35mm reels. However, there has been some disagreement over preservation of Disney's re-cropping of the picture to eliminate racist elements.[2][3] In Ireland, the film was later released uncut, with the scientific narration introducing the "Rite of Spring" intact.
- ↑ Disney+: Everything Censored, Edited and Missing by Peter Oneto, WordPress. 2020-06-07.
- ↑ Fantasia Hybrid Edition (* unfinished project *) by EyeShotFirst, Original Trilogy. 2010-07-06.
- ↑ Fantasia (1940) All Censored Scenes with Sunflower and Otika by Official business, YouTube. 2019-02-22.
External links[]
- Fantasia and Sunflower at The Disney Wiki
- Fantasia (1940 film) at Wikipedia