
Digimon Fusion is a Japanese anime that was produced by Toei Animation. It was broadcast from July 6, 2010 to September 27, 2011. After Saban produced the English dub, Viacom bought the rights to air the anime on Nickelodeon. Partly due to the anime airing on Nick, Saban heavily censored the English dub. Hulu streams the censored English dub. The version streaming on Hulu is identical to the version broadcast on Nick.


USA censorship[]

(English dub)

Season 1[]
  • Episode 1
    1. The scene that shows a close up on the Troopmons marching was cut.
    2. The scene that shows a far away shot of the Troopmons army was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; their weapons were glowing red.
    3. The scene that shows a close up on the Troopmons marching was cut.
    4. The scene that shows a frontal close up shot on the Troopmons marching was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; their weapons were glowing red.
    5. The scene that shows the Troopmons being attacked was shortened.
    6. The scene that shows a close up Lilithmon standing in the shadows was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her outfit was digitally extended to cover her chest.
  • Episode 2
    1. The scene that shows the Troopmons and their army was slightly modified, with some of the scenes being replaced with less threatening scenes and the Troopmon's weapons are not glowing red.
    2. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her clothing was extended, as a result her outfit is now less revealing.
    3. The scene that shows a close up on Lillymon blowing them a kiss was cut.
    4. The scene that shows Lillymon standing in front of the kids was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her torso's clothing was digitally extended to be less revealing. (This edit was a bit weird sense it was uncensored earlier in the episode.)
    5. The scene showing the gate opening was cut.
  • Episode 3
    1. The scene that shows Lilithmon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her clothes were digitally extended to cover her chest.
    2. The scene that shows the Bagra Army's leaders turning around and seeing Ba'lamon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; Lilithmon's clothes were digitally extended to cover her chest.
    3. The scene that shows an overhead shot of the Bagra Army's leader attack Ba'lamon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; Lilithmon's clothes were digitally extended to cover her chest.
    4. The scene that shows a close up on Lilithmon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her clothes were digitally extended to cover her chest.
    5. The scene where Ba'lamon says "If you find someone you want me to eliminate, just give me the call." was changed to "Well then time to terrify some villagers."
    6. The scene that shows a close up on Lilithmon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her clothes were digitally extended to cover her chest.
    7. The scene that shows Mikey Kudo getting hit by his friends was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; it was replaced with yellow stars and a blue background.
    8. The line "If you refuse you die." was changed to "You don't have time to think it over, your friends grip is slipping."
    9. The line "If you bring Greymon out they all die." was changed to "If you release Greymon we can eliminate them entirely."
    10. The line "Die!" was changed to "I'm gonna flatten you!"
    11. The line "Oh no he's gonna self destruct." was changed to "This doesn't look good."
    12. The line "Die with me!" was changed to "I'm gonna crush you!"
  • Episode 5
    1. The line "This smooth sake is first-class!" was changed to "Ah, well at least I remember how much I love this Digi juice."
    2. The line "When you get hit by this your entire body will be paralyzed and turn blue before you die!" was changed to "You know happens when the stinger touches you? Well first your entire body turns blood and then well it's goodbye."
    3. The scene that shows a close up on the stinger entering Shoutmon's stomach was cut.
    4. The scene that shows a close up on the stinger exiting Shoutmon's stomach was cut.
    5. The scene where Kudo says "He's the sort of guy who'd let himself be blown up so you wouldn't eat a bomb in the DigiNoir by mistake." was changed to "I mean, he just wanted to stop those guys."
    6. The scene that shows Mikey Kudo applying the oil onto Shoutmon's stomach was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; the wound on Shoutmon's stomach was glowing purple.
    7. The scene that shows Ebidramon's arm separating from the body due to Leviamon's attacks was cut.
    8. The scene that shows Ebirdramon being cut in half was shortened. You can no longer see his body starting to split apart due to the attack.
  • Episode 6
    1. The scene that shows Leviamon preparing to use an energy attack on Ebidramon was cut.
    2. The scene that shows Ebidramon's arm separating from the body due to Leviamon's attacks was cut.
    3. The scene that shows Leviamon cutting Ebidramon in half was cut.
    4. The scene that shows Ebidramon's body starting to split apart due to the attack was cut.
    5. The scene where Neptunemon says "We will kill him." was changed to "Hand them over quietly or say goodbye to your friend."
    6. The scene where Neptunemon says "If you refuse , he dies!" was changed to "Refuse and I'll leave him to the geisermon!"
    7. The scene that shows Neptunemon's trident hitting Archelomon was cut.
    8. The scene where Kudo says "So in order to save this world, we just let Archelomon die?" was changed to "Shoutmon's right, I won't sacrifice our Archelomon even if it means saving the digital world!"
    9. The scene where Kudo says "If we run here, Archelomon dies..." was changed to "If we all turn tail and run away Archelomon becomes a prisoner."
    10. The scene where Neptunemon says "What are you doing! Do you not care if this guy lives or dies?" was changed to "Finally! As soon as you hand over those items. I'll release him from my clutches.
    11. The scene where Neptunemon says "Fools! Have you come here to die?" was changed to "(grunting noise) That was my best rope! You'll pay for that!"
    12. The scene where Neptunemon says "Should I run you through with this spear, or wait for you to freeze to death?" was changed to "Oh, enjoying a nice cool dip?"
    13. The scene where Neptunemon says "I think I'll cut to the chase and kill you before taking the Digimemories and CodeCrowns." was changed to "I'll leave you to your misery, but first I'll take all of your CodeCrowns and Digicards!"
  • Episode 7
    1. CBEE17EA-7789-4467-B400-E0BD46BBAC2A

      The scene where Kudou and Jeremy said "We need clothes." was cut.

      The scene that shows Angie in the hotspring was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; she is wearing a bathing suit.
    2. The scene that shows a close up on Angie's legs while she is in the hotspring was cut.
    3. The scene that shows a close up on Kudo and Jeremy covering their private parts and saying "We need clothes." was cut.
    4. The scene that shows the chain hitting Kudou was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the sound effect was made more cartoony and star's replaced the scene.
  • Episode 8
    1. The scene where Ancient Volconomon says "Don't be a smart ass." was changed to "Now you've done it."
    2. The scene where Angie says "And if that happens, it'll kill all of the prisoners in here as well." was changed to "Yeah and if he does that think of what will happen to all of the prisoners."
    3. The scene that shows Shoutmon getting hit from behind was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the sound effect was made more cartoony and star's replaced the scene.
    4. The scene where Shoutmon says "That hurt! Damn it!" was changed to "Well excuse me!"
    5. The scene where Angie says "At this rate we're all dead." was changed to "We've thrown everything we've got at him."
    6. The scene where Ancient Volconomon says "Oh no I'm suffocating." was changed to "Uh oh."
  • Episode 9
    1. The scene where Kudo says "But if you stay here, we all die!" was changed to "Don't worry about me, just find them and make sure they are safe!"
    2. The scene that shows Bagura Army Head Officer boot grinding Dorulummon's face onto the ground was replaced with a close up on Bagura Army Head Officer's face.
    3. The line "I will give you the most gruesome death imaginable." was changed to "If your plan is to bore me into a state of confidence it's working.
    4. The line "It seems Tactimon has decided to put Kudou to death." was changed to "Like the fact that our friend Kudou has been captured."
    5. The scene where Kudo says "You're planning on torturing us to death?" was changed to "I wouldn't do that if were you, you won't get away with this!"
    6. The scene where Dorulumon says "The Blue Meramon will be happy to die for the Bagura Army if it's to help us win." was changed to "Tactimon considers you a small price to pay for the enemies distruction."
    7. The scene where Ancient Volconomon says "Die!" was changed to "Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!"
  • Episode 12
    1. The line "It's an antlion's death trap!" was changed to "It's a trap!"
    2. The scene where Scorpiomon says "You bastards aren't getting away!" was changed to "You'll never get away!"
    3. The scene that shows Revolmon firing a gun at one of the Scorpiomon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun sound effect was changed to a laser sound effect.
    4. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun barrel is now a bright yellow, this is due to them wanting to make it seem like it shoots laser beams instead of bullets.
    5. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun was purple instead of sliver, most likely this was done in order to make it seem less realistic.
    6. The scene where Angie says "Then I'll just have to use my sex appeal." was changed to "Maybe you just have to use a more pleasant approach."
    7. The scene where Revolmon says "Or I'll hurt that cute girl over there." was changed to "Just stay clam you don't want anything to happen to your little friends."
  • Episode 13
    1. The scene that shows a close up on Reapmon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the camera angle was changed, and as a result you can no longer see the gun.
    2. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun barrel is now a bright yellow, this is due to them wanting to make it seem like it shoots laser beams instead of bullets.
    3. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun was purple instead of sliver, most likely this was done in order to make it seem less realistic.
    4. The scene where Kudo says "A statue of the digimon goddess?" was changed to "What an odd place to put a statue."
    5. The line "Death divider." was changed to "Tail of terror."
    6. Many of Reapmon's lines
    7. The scene where Reapmon says "The goddess has acknowledged you." was changed to "The queen has accepted you."
    8. The scene where Reapmon says "The sand zone was once ruled long ago by those known as the goddess's warriors." was changed to "This zone was once governed by an order, known as the warriors of the light."
    9. The scene where Kudo says "The goddess's warriors?" was changed to "What like some kind of boy band?"
    10. The scene where Reapmon says "And this is where the goddess's warriors died." was changed to "Here is where the warriors of light were destroyed."
    11. The scene where Reapmon says "Sandria was defended by a group of digimon called the goddess's warriors, and it flourished as a peaceful town." was changed to "Sandria was protected by the warriors of light, we were safe in our borders."
    12. The line "Have you finished your prayers to the goddess?" was changed to "Tell me why are you not seeking the queen's guidance."
    13. The scene where Reapmon says "The goddess won't listen to my prayers!" was changed to "The queen doesn't hear me when I speak to her!"
    14. The scene where Reapmon says "I've trained and trained to become the goddess's warrior ever since I was young, exactly the way you told me to do!" was changed to "I'm nothing to her, she doesn't recognize me as one of her warriors."
    15. The scene where Reapmon says "I can't become the goddess's warrior." was changed to "I will never be a warrior of the light."
    16. The scene where Reapmon says "Even after that, the goddess's statue never gave me her blessing." was changed to "And I was right, the queen never did smile on me."
    17. The scene where Reapmon says "It could be a message not to kill you." was changed to "I took it as a sign, something told me I was not meant to destroy you."
    18. The scene where Reapmon says "I killed my friends..." was changed to "I struck down my own comrades."
    19. Any flashback scene that shows Reapmon killing the goddess's warrior was shortened. It no longer shows his sword piercing one of the goddess's warriors in the chest was cut.
    20. The scene where Reapmon says "The fear I felt seeing highly trained warriors who were supposed to be my friends come to kill me...My body moved on it's own, before I knew it, the hole warrior clan was dead." was changed to "I fought blindly out of pure instant. I was overcome with fear, before I knew what I had done all of my comrades were defeated."
    21. The scene that shows a close up on Reapmon hitting Dorulumon's chin was cut.
    22. The scene where Reapmon says "If you don't kill them, they'll kill you first!" was changed to "It's either them or us!"
    23. Any scene that shows Lillymon watching Kudo trying to stop his friends from killing each other was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and her outfit was digitally extended to cover more skin.
    24. The scene where Lillymon says "Stupid boy you deserve to be killed by your own friends." was changed to "Foolish boy you might as well pack it in right now."
    25. The scene where Lillymon says "Whoever is caught in Ebemon's glamor spells think that everyone around them is their enemy, so they kill each other." was changed to "Those bewitched by Ebemon's attack sees everyone as enemies, enemies to be attacked and destroyed."
    26. The scene that shows Reapmon killing Angemon was cut.
    27. The scene that shows a close up on Reapmon's sword in his Angemon's stomach was cut.
    28. The scene where Reapmon says "Angemon? Angemon? Angemon!" was changed to "Hedgemon? What have I done? Hedgemon!"
    29. The scene that shows Reapmon pointing his gun at Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; it was replaced with a close up on Reapmon's face.
    30. The scene where Reapmon says "I will avenge the warriors who died in your cowardly attack!" was changed to "No I never earned that honor, but they were my comrades and I will avenge them!"
    31. The scene that shows Reapmon looking down and seeing Lillymon's hand piecing his stomach was cut.
    32. The scene where Lillymon says "After all, you're going to die here." was changed to "Oh I'm sorry, did I starch you with a poison finger nail."
    33. The scene where Kudo says "I won't let you kill Reapmon!" was changed to "Keep your claws to yourself lady!"
  • Episode 14
    1. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    2. The scene where Reapmon says "I can't...die here...." was changed to "No...."
    3. The line "The legendary warriors would come here to receive the goddess's blessing and have their battle wounds healed. However, when the Bugra army invaded and the warriors died, the goddess also disappeared." was changed to "Here is where the legendary warriors would be brought to have their wounds healed and their strength restored by their queen. But their order was destroyed by the traitorous of the servants of Lord Bugra, and the queen vanished from the land."
    4. The line "Download the goddess's power with your X loader and put it's data into Reapmon. As the goddess's warrior , this is something only you can do!" was changed to "Only a warrior of light could summon the pyramid. And this you did. You should also be able to download the queen's healing power with your fusion loader."
    5. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun barrel is now a bright yellow due to them wanting to make it seem like it shoots laser beams instead of bullets.
    6. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun was purple instead of silver, most likely in order to make it seem less realistic.
    7. The scene that shows Revolmon shooting at the Scorpiomon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun sound effects were replaced with laser sound effects.
    8. The scene where Shoutmon says "At this rate, we're all dead." was changed to "It's one thing to help an enemy, it's another thing to get annihilated doing it!"
    9. The scene where Reapmon says "Stop using the goddess's power for someone like me." was changed to "Enough do not waste the power of the queen on me. You must stop."
    10. The scene where Reapmon says "I have no right to receive the goddess's grace." was changed to "I am no warrior of the light, I have no right to receive her healing powers.
    11. The scene that shows Reapmon killing Angemon was cut.
    12. The scene that shows the goddess's warriors lying on the floor dead was cut.
    13. Any scene that shows the female digimon (don't know her name.) in Kudo's army standing next to Jeremy was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the cleavage was reduced and her clothing was digitally extended, as a result you see less skin.
    14. The scene that shows the female digimon being caught in the Bugra Army's attack was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her clothing was digitally extended, as a result you see less skin.
    15. The scene where Shoutmon says "He's eating his teammates...." was changed to "Wow I thought he was rough on his enemies."
    16. The scene where Shoutmon says "I'm going to get eaten!" was changed to "Ah! Cut it out!"
    17. The scene Lillymon says "Annihilate him to dust!" was changed to "Say goodbye to the future!"
    18. The scene where Reapmon says "Have I....have I....become a warrior of the goddess?" was changed to "Am I...am I....worthy? Have I become a warrior?
    19. The scene that shows Reapmon shooting Himachinedramon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun sound effect was changed to a laser sound effect.
    20. The scene where Reapmon says "I died once..." was changed to "Reapmon is no more..."
    21. The scene where Lillymon says "Shut your trap and die!" was changed to "You're still a loser! Whatever you call yourself!"
  • Episode 15
    1. The scene where Gargomon says "If you continue to help people like that, you'll find yourself on the execution block next, Lucemon." was changed to "The next time you interfere in our business Lucemon, you better be prepared to face the ultimate penalty."
    2. The scene where Gargomon says "This angle statue is the symbol for the Heaven zone." was changed to "What! Vandalism! All right who was it that destroyed this priceless statue?"
    3. The scene where Gargomon says "If you don't admit to your crime...you die!" was changed to "You will be doomed...you will be erased!"
    4. The line "Die!?" was changed to "Erased!?"
    5. The scene where Gargomon says "If you admit to your crime, you'll be given a public execution where you'll be hit with electromagnetic waves stripping you of your data." was changed to "But if you play ball, and confess. We'll see to it you get a fair trail and then get erased."
    6. The scene where Slash Angemon says "If you fight against the police, the absolute power of this zone, then I don't care who you are, you get the death penalty." was changed to "Homegrown criminals are bad enough, but when outside criminals come to the sky zone they must be dealt with swiftly and ruthlessly."
    7. The scene where Gargomon says "One of you destroyed the angle statue which is a symbol of our zone..." was changed to "Acts of vandalism against one of our most cherished works of art..."
    8. The scene where Gargomon says "In light of this you will face a public execution." was changed to "I can list their crimes all day long sense it's fun."
    9. The scene where Slash Angemon says "So that such sins can never be committed again, the defendants will now be executed!" was changed to "It is the wishes of this court that you be erased!"
    10. The line "Labeling them criminals and sentencing them to death without any solid proof is also wrong!" was changed to "Excuse me but where is your evidence? Your witnesses? They are innocent until proving guilty!"
    11. The scene where Slash Angemon says "Bring him to the execution block-" was changed to "Treed carefully Lucemon! or you might be erased as well!"
    12. The scene where Slash Angemon says "The death penalty for all of you!" was changed to "That's enough! Outsider you have just sealed your fate!"
  • Episode 16
    1. The scene where Shoutmon says "I knew it, that bastard's an evil guy trying to disturb the peace in the heaven zone." was changed to "What'd I'll tell you, I knew this shifty eyed bucket head would make trouble sooner or latter."
    2. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    3. The scene where Shoutmon says "You bastard! I thought you were such an amazing guy!" was changed to "Yeah we fell for it like a ton of bricks!"
    4. The scene where Lucemon says "And sense you die now, it won't matter to you either!" was changed to "But don't worry yourselves to much about it, you won't be around to see it either."
    5. The line "Damn I can't make it in time." was changed to "No I'm too late!"
  • Episode 17
    1. The name Lucemon Satan Mode was changed to Lucemon Wild 2nd Mode.
    2. The scene where Sparrowmon says "But if we don't do something, Nene will die!" was changed to "But she might never recover if she stays in there much longer."
    3. The line "She won't die that easily." was changed to "Nene is stronger than you think."
    4. The scene where Sparrowmon says "It's no use...I'm gonna be killed." was muted.
  • Episode 18
    1. The scene where Stingmon says "Those who dare disturb this holy ground will be eliminated." was changed to "And who are you who would be so foolish to trespass on this forbidden ground?"
    2. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun barrel is now a bright yellow, this is due to them wanting to make it seem like it shoots laser beams instead of bullets.
    3. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun was purple instead of sliver, most likely this was done in order to make it seem less realistic.
    4. The line "Time for us to strike back you armored bastard!" was changed to "Get ready for it bucket head!"
    5. The scene where Kiriha says "Are you suggesting I torture them?" was changed to "Well what are you suggesting we do?"
    6. The scene where Kiriha says "Bastard...I won't forgive this!" was changed to "Never you...big jerk!"
  • Episode 19
    1. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    2. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun barrel is now a bright yellow, this is due to them wanting to make it seem like it shoots laser beams instead of bullets.
    3. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun was purple instead of sliver, most likely this was done in order to make it seem less realistic.
    4. The line "You bastard!" was muted.
    5. The scene where Nene says "If he can make that happen for me, then I don't care if I have to follow the devil himself!" was changed to "Look leave me along, all of you! I just want to go home with my brother if Axemon can do it then I don't care if he is evil!"
  • Episode 20
    1. The line "Damn it!" was changed to "Fine just abandon me!"
    2. The scene that shows a close up on Shoutmon, Kudo and Durulumon being caught in the missile's explosion was cut.
  • Episode 21
    1. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    2. The scene where DarkKnightmon says "Why don't the two of us join forces for a while till he's been killed?" was changed to "I purpose we join together to eliminate him."
    3. The scene where Durulumon says "He'll kill us at this rate." was changed to "We're doomed if we don't defend ourselves."
    4. The scene that shows Kudo hitting Christopher was shortened. As a result you never see Christopher falling and hitting the ground.
    5. The scene that shows the rocks falling on Lillymon was cut.
    6. The scene that shows the Tankmon army being destroyed was cut.
  • Episode 22
    1. The scene where Lillymon says "I won't put you to death that easily." was changed to "Hahahha, no that would be to easy on you I want to make you suffer."
    2. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    3. The scene where Lillymon says "I'm going to torture you in order to vent myself." was changed to "I'm going to crush you in the worst way."
    4. The line "It would be like hell on earth, I imagine." was changed to "I know this darkness would extended to your world as well."
    5. The scene where Kudo says "Hell on Earth." was changed to "How can you be sure?"
    6. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun barrel is now a bright yellow, this is due to them wanting to make it seem like it shoots laser beams instead of bullets.
    7. Any scene that shows Revolmon holding a gun was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the gun was purple instead of sliver, most likely this was done in order to make it seem less realistic.
  • Episode 23
    1. The scene that shows the ninja in the TV show killing multiple ninjas was cut.
    2. The scene that shows one of the ninjas in the TV show pointing his spear at one of the another ninja's neck in the TV show was cut.
  • Episode 24
    1. The scene that shows Shoutmon getting hit in the head was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; the bonk sound effect was muted.
    2. The line "Ignis Fatuus Decapitation." was changed to "Cross Slicer."
    3. The line "I won't kill the princess till I have the Code Crown." was changed to "Oh she's safe with me, at least until I get that Code Crown."
  • Episode 25
    1. The scene that shows a close up multiple digimon from the Buga Army and Kiriha's army was cut.
    2. The line "If we get caught in this, we'll die!" was changed to "Your's genius, and now we're in trouble!"
    3. The scene where Shoutmon says "What the hell is your zones boss doing at a time like this?" was changed to "Why should we have to do that? Were's the leader of this crummy zone anyway?"
    4. The line "Standing right here, damn it!" was changed to "I will not be ignored!"
  • Episode 26
    1. The line "We're doomed! This zone is dying!" was changed to "We're doomed!"
    2. The scene where Shoutmon says "Who the hell are you?" was changed to "Who...are you?"
    3. The scene where Shoutmon says "Damn it!" was changed to "I can't move..."
    4. The scene where Blastmon says "Die!" was changed to "Haha, no one has ever survived my rain of crystal missiles."
    5. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
  • Episode 27
    1. The line "You'll all die!" was changed to "And now you lot have insulted him!"
    2. The line "It's the road to hell, for you losers." was changed to "Your punishment for such an ugly desert waits just above you."
  • Episode 28
    1. The scene where Shoutmon says "Could they have destroyed the villagers using that shredder?" was changed to "They better not have hurt those villagers!"
    2. The scene that shows the smoke bomb appearing and exploding was cut.
  • Episode 29
    1. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    2. The scene where Mikey Kudo says "Digimon don't die...." was changed to "Wow that's really good news for us."
    3. The line "The digi world will become a living hell." was changed to "Then all the digital world will turn evil."
    4. The scene where Tacticmon says "But now I will have to take your life as well!" was changed to "But your way of thinking is dangerous. Now I will have to destroy you completely!"
    5. The scene that shows most of Mikey Kudo's digimon appearing in the air was shortened.
    6. The scene that shows Revolmon shooting at Tacticmon was cut.
  • Episode 30
    1. Any scene that shows Tacticmon destroying parts of the buildings in the city center were cut.
    2. The scene where Tactimon says "Or else I'll kill these two." was changed to "Or I shall crush your friends like the insignificant pests that they are."
    3. The scene where Shoutmon says "That bastard..." was changed to "You digi slimeball!"
    4. The scene where the blast goes through Tactimon's chest was cut.
    5. The scene where Tactimon says "I regret my loyalty." was cut.
    6. The scene that shows a close up on Tactimon as he dies was cut.
Season 2[]
  • Episode 1
    1. The scene where Shoutmon says "It doesn't look like hell..." was changed to "I don't get it."
    2. The scene that shows one of the Bagra Army soldiers hitting Dracomon was cut.
    3. The scene that shows Dracomon falling to the ground due to getting hit was cut.
    4. The scene that shows Kudo's groups reaction to Dracomon being hit was cut.
    5. The scene that shows Shoutmon being covered in flames was cut.
    6. Any scene that shows Lillymon was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now.
    7. The scene where Lillymon says "Dammit! I'm ready to explode!" was changed to "And instead here I am hanging out with total losers!"
    8. The line "And the more digimon we torture will release negative energy." was changed to "The more digimon that surrender to us the more negative energy we will process."
    9. The line "You bastard..." was changed to animal like noises.
    10. The line "You've come back to die Kudo." was changed to "You won't survive if you stick around here Mikey."
    11. The line "Burn a die rebels." was changed to "How is it in there rebels? Getting hot in there?"
  • Episode 2
    1. The scene where Shoutmon says "Like hell I'll bow to a tyrant like you." was changed to "I'm no traitor."
    2. The line "D-damn it." was changed to "C-can't breath."
    3. The line "Damn it, they've escaped." was changed to "The cowards, they've escaped."
    4. The line "Tomorrow at dawn, the rebels who we have kept suspended will be publicly executed." was changed to "Now hear this, tomorrow at dawn, the captured rebels will be publicly deleted."
    5. The line "The execution will take place at Dragon's Waterfall. Watch and burn the images of their deaths into your memory." was changed to "Their demise shall take place at the Dragon's Waterfall. The fitting punishment for defied lord Bagura. Let this be an example to you all."
  • Episode 3
    1. Any scene that shows Lady Devimon was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her breast size was reduced.
    2. Any scene that shows Lady Devimon's clones was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; her breast size was reduced.
    3. The scene that shows Lady Devimon and her clones being hit by the random laser attack was modified for the Nickelodeon broadcast; the laser attack's size was increased as a result you can no longer see their chest area.
    4. The scene where Lady Devimon says "We'll just keep on destroying this village until Lopmon shows himself." was changed to "Liar! Tell me where he is!"
    5. The scene that shows Lady Devimon and her clones catching fire due to the Plasma Blaster attack was cut.
    6. The scene that shows a far away shot of Lady Devimon on fire was cut.
    7. The scene that shows a close up on Lady Devimon while she is being attacked by the Giga Destroyer was cut.
    8. The scene where Shoutmon says "Goddamned---" was changed to "Seriously!"
  • Episode 4
    1. The recap segment was shortened. (Most of the scenes removed where the more violent scenes)
    2. The scene where Shoutmon says "Like hell your going to eat me!" was changed to "Why don't you just shut your big mouth!"
    3. The scene where Shoutmon says "Bastard!" was changed to "Hey!"
    4. The line "The countless number of Lopmon in my body keep me from dying." was changed to "You still don't understand. Once I absorbed all of those Lopmon I became indestructible."
    5. The line "His inability to die makes him dangerous." was changed to "We scared him back but he'll be back."
    6. The scene that shows a number of Vampire soldiers being incinerated in the fire was cut.
    7. The scene where Shoutmon says "You bastard!" was changed to "Right I can hear it to."
    8. The line "If you don't come out, I'll kill him first." was changed to "Come out of hiding, if you don't I'll squeeze him till he pops."
    9. The scene where Shoutmon says "For using Lopmon's precious lives to keep your own from dying." was changed to "Using Lopmon's data to make yourself inmortal...I'll teach you a lesson."
  • Episode 11
    1. The scene where Mermaimon says "She'll die at Level 3" was changed to "She can't take much more".
    2. The scene where Shoutmon says "Shut up, you bastard!" was changed to "I'm gonna level ya!"
    3. The scene that shows a close of as Mermaimon dying was cut.
    4. The scene where Mermaimon says "C-Captain!" was cut.
  • Episode 13
    1. The scene where Dracomon says "You're killing Deckerdramon!" was changed to "Deckerdramon is your friend!"
    2. The scene that shows a flashback the mourners at Kiriha's parent's funeral was changed to the flashbacks of Greymon and MailBirdramon in season 1 that weren't shown in the Japanese version.
    3. The scene where Shoutmon says "That damn Gravimon!" was changed to "You just gonna stand there!"
  • Episode 17
    1. Any scene that shows Lilithmon was modified was modified for the Nicktoons broadcast; her cleavage was reduced and the dress was extended, as a result you see less skin now. Also the Vilemons engraved on her breast and anal parts was removed, and they can't speak.
    2. The scene that shows a flashback of Doumon was cut.
    3. The scene that shows a flashback of Lilithmon killing reapmon was cut.
    4. The scene that shows Beelzemon's bullets piercing through Lilithmon was cut.
    5. The scene that shows Lilithmon's wounds spewing fire was cut.
    6. The scene that shows an explicit of Ewan and Mikey punching each other was cut.
    7. The name Deadly Tuwarmon Hell Mode was changed to Ruthless Tuwarmon Beast Mode.
    8. The scene that shows Axemon being crushed by a boulder was cut.
  • Episode 22
    1. The scene that shows an extended meaning of D5 was cut.
  • Episode 24
    1. The scene that shows a close up on Mervamon shooting at Pteramons was cut.
    2. The scene where Dracomon says "Death Divider" was muted.


Any scene that shows Lillymon or Ba'lamon was modified for the Disney XD Southeast Asia broadcast; their chests were blurred.

Where to find it uncensored[]

The original Japanese version, which Crunchyroll carries, is completely uncensored.
