
Dead Mount Death Play is a dark fantasy anime that was produced by Geek Toys and was released on April 11, 2023 and is still airing. The anime was censored when comparing the manga to the anime adaptation. It might become uncensored when the Blu-Rays release however.


International Censorship[]


(Uses the censored Japanese airings) (Note: The censorship list is currently based on manga to anime and it is unknown if the Blu-Ray will be uncensored though it most likely will be)

  • Episode 1
  1. The scene that shows Misaki sitting on the window's ledge startling Polka was censored in the anime. In the anime the pose was changed so that she doesn't show her underwear like she does in the manga.
  • Episode 2
  1. The scene that shows the man stabbing Misaki's mom was censored in the anime when compared to the manga. While in the manga it shows a show showing her mutilated body in the anime it shows a close up shot of Misaki watching in horror as you see the man stabbing but her mom is never shown.
  • Episode 3
  1. The scene that shows Misaki sitting on the coach using her phone was censored for the anime. In the anime her pose was slightly changed so her leg is in front of her underwear now preventing you from seeing it.
  2. The scene that shows a close up on Clarissa pressing her breasts against one of her lovers while kissing her lover was replaced with a scene of her lying down on her bed covered by a towel with her lovers wearing underwear and bras with one of her lovers massaging her.
  3. The scene that shows a close up on them kissing was replaced with the scene of one of Clarissa's lovers massaging her.
  4. The scene that shows a close up on Clarissa as she says "About what? Polka-kun?" was replaced with a close up of her lying on her bead face down. (As a result no cleavage is shown.)
  5. The scene that shows Clarissa on top of her one of her lovers with their bodies pressed against each other with saliva coming out of their mouths due to just kissing was cut.
  6. The scene that shows Clarissa on top of her one of her lovers pressing her breasts against her lover's breasts was replaced with a close up shot of Clarissa lying face down on her bead.
  7. The scenes that shows Clarissa having sex with one of her lovers with that lover climaxing were cut.
  8. The scene that shows a close up on Clarissa's two lovers naked in her bed while she is talking on the phone was replaced with scene of her lovers on Clarissa's bed wearing their underwear and bras.
  9. The scene that shows Clarissa walking over to her two lovers and pouring them glasses of wine was cut.
  • Episode 4
  1. The scene that shows Misaki kicking Arase was censored for the anime. In the anime the kick was a different type of kick instead of it being a side kick she does a flip while kicking Arase. Due to the shot being different you no longer see her bra or underwear.
  • Episode 6
  1. The scene that shows Rozyan Shinoyama's Niece's Husband begging to the Dragon Palace Agency's agents to stop torturing him was cut. (This is most likely due to how it might have been too violent due to it showing the bloody aftermath of the torture.
  • Episode 8
  1. The scene that shows Clarissa's lovers in the hot tub was censored. In the anime the water is covering up their nipples.
  2. The scene that shows Clarissa undressing was censored. In the anime she doesn't fully undress on screen, as a result you can no longer see her butt.
  3. The scene that shows Clarissa getting into the hot tub and kissing one of her lovers was censored. In the anime she doesn't kiss her and you can no longer see their breasts.
  4. The scene that shows Clarissa getting on top of one of her lovers was censored. In the anime she gives one of her lovers a back rub.
  5. The scene that shows a far away shot of Clarissa in the Hot tub by one of her lovers was replaced with close ups of their faces.
  6. The scene that shows Clarissa having sex with one of her lovers was cut.
  • Episode 10
  1. The scene that shows Sayo standing naked in the shower was censored. In the anime everything but her head is extremely blurry is impossible to see any details.
  2. The scene that shows Sayo getting out of the shower naked was cut.
  3. The scene that shows Misaki getting undressed in front of Sayo was cut.
  4. The scene that shows Sayo naked in the shower talking to Sayo was censored. In the anime the camera is zoomed in.
  5. The scene that shows a far away shot of Misaki and Sayo in the shower together was cut.
  6. The scene that shows a overhead shot of Misaki and Sayo in the shower together was censored. In the anime the camera is zoomed in. Meaning you don't see Sayo's breasts or Misaki's buttcrack.

Season Two[]

  • Episode 2
  1. The scene that shows Misaki breaking the window while charging in preparing to attack was censored. In the anime her position was changed so you can't see her underwear.
  2. The scene that shows Misaki getting cut in half was censored. In the anime you can't see any bones.
  • Episode 4
  1. The scene that shows Misaki kicking Momoya was censored. In the anime her position was changed so you don't see her inner thigh when she is kicking him.
  2. The scene that shows Momoya's blade nearly cutting Misaki was censored. In the anime her position was changed as a result you don't see her bra or underwear.
  • Episode 5
  1. The scene that shows Xiaoyu's severed arms and legs was censored. All of the blood was removed.
  2. The scene that shows Xiaoyu lying on the ground crying covered in his blood was censored. In the anime the camera is zoomed in on his head to avoid showing any of the blood.
  3. The scene that shows various dead bodies lying on the ground was censored. The severed corpses were darkened to not show any gore.
  4. The blood on and around Xiaoyu's body was removed and the severed parts of his body also don't have any blood.
  • Episode 6
  1. The scene that shows a overhead shot of the dead cop lying in a pool of his blood was censored. The overhead shot instead focuses on the cop's legs avoiding the pool of blood.
  2. The scene where Soara says "It's been awhile...shitty dad." was changed to "Long time no see, dad."
  3. The scene that shows Soara's dad being shot in the head was censored. The amount of blood was reduced and the brain matter was removed.
  4. The scene that shows a close up on Soara's dead dad was changed to just showing her holding his lifeless body with the gunshot hole being changed to just blood.

Where to find it uncensored[]

There is currently no uncensored version of the anime.