Breaking Bad is an American Crime show made by AMC, it was released in January 20, 2008. Due to AMC targeting a TV-14 rating the show was censored, as a result strong language and nudity were censored in the USA. The International release was censored at first due to FX wanting the show to be more family friendly. In Germany RTL Nitro censored the show in order to make it have a 12 rating. Netflix is using the censored AMC broadcast for Season Three episode 5.
USA Censorship[]
Season One[]
- Episode 1
- The scene where Walter is taking to Bogdan, and says "Fuck you, Bogdan!" The word "fuck" was muted.
- The scene where Walter is taking to Bogdan, and says "I said fuck you!" The word "fuck" was muted.
- The scene where Hank is complaining, and says "What, do you work at the fucking Pottery Barn?" The word "fucking" was muted
- The scene that shows Jesse's girlfriend throwing Jesse's clothes out of the window was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC version her breasts were blurred.
- The scene where Emilio says "You ratasnitch motherfucker!" The word "motherfucker" was muted.
Season Three[]
- Episode 5
- The scene that shows a topless dancer laying down on a couch was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC broadcast the camera zooms in on Jesse's face, as a result you can no longer see the nude dancer.
- The scene that shows the dancers entertaining Jesse was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC broadcast version an alternate angle of the said scene was shown, as a result you see less cleavage.
- The scene that shows a close up a topless dancer was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC broadcast version the camera zooms out, and shows Jeese and the people near Jesse.
- The scene that shows two topless dancers pressing their bodies against Jesse's was replaced with a scene that shows wine and champagne bottles.
- The scene that shows two topless dancers dancing with each other, and pressing their breasts against each others breasts was modified for the AMC broadcast. It was replaced with a scene that shows champagne being poured into a glass.
- The scene that shows one of the topless dancers moving below the other girl's breasts, as a result it look like she is about to kiss the other girl's groin. This scene was replaced with a shot of a girl drinking some champagne.
- The scene that shows two topless dancers rubbing their breasts against each other's breasts was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC version it shows a close up on two girls dancing.
- The scene that shows one of the topless girls sucking on the other girl's nipples was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC version it shows a bunch of girls dancing next to Jesse.
- The scene that shows two naked girls dancing was modified for the AMC broadcast. In the AMC version it shows a fully clothed girl dancing.
Season Five[]
- Episode 3
- The scene where Al Pacino says "You wanna fuck with me?" The word "fuck" was muted.
- Episode 6
- The scene that shows the message saying "Fuck You" was cut.
- Episode 7
- The scene where Mike says "Shut the fuck up!" The word "fuck" was muted.
International Censorship[]
Season One[]
(Time cuts not shown)
- Episode 1
- The scene that shows Skyler putting her hand under the blanket, and giving Walter a handjob was cut.
- The scene that shows Skyler moving her hand was cut.
- The scene where Steven tells Hank "Sage. That's the word for it. My fault the only word your dumb ass knows is green?" was cut.
- The scene where Hank is talking to Walter and Steven, and he says "Cheese dick. I know that one. How 'bout that? Anyway, it's the sage one. See it?" was cut.
- The scene where Hank tells Walter "Watch this. This makes em shit." was cut.
- The scene that shows Jesse's girlfriend standing in front of the window nude was modified for the FX broadcast. The original version shows her boobs, the FX version shows her wearing a bra.
- The scene where Marie tells Skyler "What the hell is this? was cut.
- The scene where Skyler tells Marine "Damned if I know. I described it as mosaic folk art." was cut.
- The scene where Marie asks Skyler "How's the sex?" was cut.
- The scene where Jesse says "Jesus Christ!" was muted.
- The scene that shows Walter looking backwards, and seeing Krazy-8's and Emilio's bodies was cut.
Germany Censorship[]
RTL Nitro[]
Season One[]
- Episode 2
- The scene that shows Jesse smoking a meth pipe was cut.
- The scene that shows Jesse moving the corpse into the bathroom was cut.
- The scene that shows Jesse pouring the acid into the bathtub was shortened.
- The scene that shows Jesse smoking a meth pipe was cut.
- The scene that shows a close up on the pile of guts was cut.
- The scene where Walter is complaining at Jesse for not putting it in plastic was cut.
Season Two[]
- Episode 5
- The scene that shows Skinny Pete being threatened with a knife was cut.
- Episode 6
- The scene where Jesse is questing the Meth parents was shortened.
- The scene that shows the corpse was cut.
Season Three[]
- Episode 3
- The scene that shows someone's head being chopped off with a machete was cut.
Where to find it uncensored[]
The DVDs and Blu-ray discs are completely uncensored, and the uncensored version is on video streaming sites.